
  • Essay / The Scorpion Plot - 1175

    Entry 1The story begins early in the morning in a village near La Paz, California. A man named Kino and his wife, Juana, sleep peacefully to the sound of nearby ocean waves crashing onto the shore. Kino wakes up to the crowing of roosters and the open eyes of his wife, whom he is so used to seeing in the morning. He gets up and approaches his son, Coyotito, who is sleeping in his cradle. His wife, Juana, gets up and starts to make a fire. Kino goes out to enjoy the nice weather while Juana prepares breakfast. After a few minutes, Kino returns home to see that breakfast is ready, so he and his wife start to eat, but soon they see a dangerous creature crawling on Coyotito. Entry 2 While Kino and Juana are eating, a scorpion descends on little Coyotito threatening to sting him. Coyotito sees the scorpion on his cradle and reaches out to catch it. Coyotito shakes the cradle, causing the scorpion to fall and land on his shoulder and sting him. Kino sees what the scorpion has done, catches it and crushes it in his hand. Juana grabs Coyotito and begins sucking the venom from the wound. The child continues to wail and his neighbors begin to gather outside their cabin. Juana tells Kino to call the doctor, but Kino doesn't have much hope that he will come. Juana grabs Coyotito and runs out of their cabin towards the doctor's house. Kino and the rest of the neighbors follow. Once they arrive at the doctor's office, a servant waits for them in front of his house. They tell him that their baby needs to see the doctor immediately. The servant tells them to wait, while he calls the doctor. The servant comes back and tells Kino that her doctor is very busy today and he won't be able to help them... middle of paper ... he hits her in the face and kicks her. He is disgusted with her. He then turns around and leaves. Kino walks up the beach as a group of men attack him. Kino struggles to escape and in doing so, he stabs one of the men and kills him. Juana finally gets up and starts to walk home. She sees Kino lying on top of the injured group with another dead man next to him. She drags the dead man into the bushes and takes care of Kino. She says they must flee immediately because of the terrible crime Kino committed. Kino refuses at first, then accepts. Juana runs back to the house and grabs Coyotito, while Kino goes to the beach again to prepare his boat, but realizes that the group of men have made a hole in it. He becomes full of rage and kicks the water. He then tells Juana what happened and they decide to hide for a while at Juan Tomas' house. 9