
  • Essay / The Wedding Parable - 987

    Weddings in the biblical tradition generally represent a symbolic expression of the covenant union between God and his people. A wedding banquet at this time in history was a joyous occasion that held great significance in the lives of the engaged couple. “The Gospel of Matthew, like all the Gospels of the New Testament, was composed as a literary work to interpret the theological significance of a concrete historical event for people in a particular historical situation” (Boring 89). Mt 22:1-14 uses this tradition and expresses wedding celebrations to illustrate the importance of Jesus' purpose to bring salvation to those on Earth. The parable of the wedding supper unfolds in three parts; the invitation of guests, a call to the excluded and a dismissal. (Brown 664) Matthew paints the scene of Jesus using a parable to describe the fact: "The kingdom of heaven is like a king who offered a wedding feast for his son" (Mt 22:2). Using a wedding banquet as the setting for this parable allows people to apply God's message to their daily lives. Viewing the preparations of the fatted oxen and calves for the feast shows what an important event this was, meriting the sacrifice of animals, which at the time represented a great personal expense. Theologically, the kingdom of heaven was represented by the wedding banquet, because those who were invited to the wedding banquet received an invitation to the kingdom of God, while the King was an image of God, The Father and the king's son were an portrait. of Jesus. (Brown 665) The king's servants, symbolically known as prophets, were sent to complete the king's orders and inform the guests of the upcoming wedding banquet. Rather than accepting according to ...... middle of paper ...... rning the variation of the invitations, while Luc goes further into details. Additionally, Matthew's Gospel offers a shorter summary compared to Luke and includes the second part of the parable, Mt 22:11-14. (Lester 308) Matthew addresses this passage to the Matthean reader because it provides instruction and a sense of warning to those who wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. “Matthew uses tension and surprise, both in form and content, to address this situation, while affirming that Jesus Christ, “God is with us,” is the defining figure around which the understanding of it -even, the imagination and social relations of the community must be articulated. be trained” (Saunders 871). By presenting the text in the form of a parable, the message of God's will is omitted from a historical and cultural context that allows society to understand the meaning of the words chosen by Matthew..