
  • Essay / Understanding and Using the Best Seller

    Table of ContentsIntroductionMisguided Advice and the Management TrapApplicationCompare and ContrastEvaluationIntroductionEvery business, corporation and corporation has a goal of making money or at least staying out of the red. Authors who have had “bestsellers” for years are the ones who help all readers understand how to stay out of the red or stay among the best among their competitors. Say no to plagiarism. Get a Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get an Original EssayThe best-selling novels for years are the ones that show that the author has obviously done the best and most research in-depth to remain listed as a bestseller for several years. Bestselling novels guide readers to gain the ability to stay ahead of the curve or are commonly known as adopting “best practices” that have worked for others. Having this advantage will allow businesses to minimize any problems that may arise as well as gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. The most important content on the bestsellers focuses on social responsibility, globalism, workforce diversity and the virtual workplace and how this may be the pressing issue facing the contemporary organization. . The most common step for individuals is to seek advice. However, the credibility of the advice may be flawed and may not resolve or prevent a problem. Model I and Model II behaviors are two pathways that an individual can use to determine incorrect advice. Model I Behavior. Model I behavior can be described as a self-sealing loop that appears to work to the extent that they have achieved their goals while appearing spontaneous and effortless (Argyris). Members of Pattern I behavior protect them and allow individuals to stay in their comfort zone (Argyris). Model II behaviors share power, any task that needs to be decided must be shared with all decision makers. The behavioral objective of Model II is to maximize the contribution of each member (Argyris). Any advice, rather than receiving or giving, must be valid and responsible information. Management is the creative process that leads to transforming discoveries into products, goods and services (Drucker). To be a successful management, you need to know the question “What is our business?” » How will you market yourself, who are you targeting, AND what steps are you planning to achieve your goal. Drucker explains that management by objectives (MOB) can be a great way for businesses to grow. This emphasizes teamwork and shared goals at all levels of management. Having pride shared at all levels will make each individual feel the importance of the need to be an above average worker. Variability exists everywhere in everything (Deming). When collecting information and data, care must be taken to not only collect the number of defects, but also the number of products successfully produced, especially when people are used to collect the data. Deming explains the importance of how management must move away from old management methods to retrieve better and more accurate data as well as improve overall production. Managers have less to do with formal development efforts than with how the management task is accomplished. is understood within the organization (McGregor). The manager can act as if the employees haveresponsibilities, but employees may feel that they cannot fulfill their responsibilities if they are monitored too much. While another may have better growth and seek more responsibility if he feels that he is trusted when given this responsibility. Everyone wants to feel important and needed. Once employees feel and know that they can express their specific ideas, experiences and abilities that could help solve or prevent problems, then they will feel a sense of synergy, pride and connection established with them. him/her to the organization.ApplicationHospitals are huge organizations that take a variety of management areas and implement those areas for success. Lutheran Hospital is one of two large health care networks in the Fort Wayne area. Lutheran Hospital is constantly trying to find a competitive advantage over Parkview to increase its patient quota every day. Lutheran Hospital is owned and operated by an outside corporation, that is, the corporation that has the final say on what Lutheran Hospital can and cannot do with its profits. It is very difficult for Lutheran to compete with Parkview because of this, and trying to use gold standard theory is almost impossible because what works for Parkview will not always work at Lutheran due to funding. Each hospital has its own mission statement, which follows their marketing objective and mix. Their purpose will answer the question “What is our job?” » and “Who do we serve?” Hospitals are grouped into different departments; each department needs its own set of goals that each staff must meet. These objectives should discuss the goals, whether for the entire department or for an individual patient. Everyone in this department must understand and know how to achieve these goals. There are dozens of departments at Lutheran Hospital that are all run by their own managers and staff, but each department might see a mix of staff with the attitude of Theory X and Theory Y. We might all like to think that because individuals who work in the health field are all with the aim of having behavior explained by theory Y. Hospitals are places where individuals come to seek help for their loved ones or themselves. same, no one wants to think that Theory X could be a factor in working individuals. within such a large organization. People who go to hospitals want people who are educated, passionate about treating people, and will do what they need to do to grow their organization. Deming's theory of variability can also be observed in different departments of the hospital. Each department has a different organizational process and tasks that must be accomplished each day. Using Deming's theory, which can be used in a variety of ways, there is considerable potential to improve the quality of work. Some people work better at night, others prefer to work during the day; some prefer to sit at a desk, others prefer to stand, and some prefer to work in geriatrics, while others prefer pediatrics. Variability requires everyone in every department to understand and play their role for the organization to see increased work. Lutheran Hospital has more than 7,000 employees, all working toward the same goal, which is to care for and provide for every person who enters campus. However, sometimes individuals seek advice for their work or service. The behaviors of.