
  • Essay / Cat's Cradle: The Destructive Nature of Humans

    Everyone has heard the expression “curiosity killed the cat.” In other words, the search for new wisdom can often have unpleasant consequences; a child curious about the stove risks getting burned. This is exactly what Kurt Vonnegut demonstrates in Cat's Cradle with the example of Ice-Nine, developed by the fictional creator of the atomic bomb, Felix Hoenikker. It is the symbol of the atomic bomb in that it has the power to end human life. Hoenikker is obviously an extremely intelligent man; however, it can be inferred from his inventions that he does not always consider the negative consequences of his new discoveries. He is simply in search of deeper knowledge, not a quest to improve our society. The cat's cradle game, which Hoenikker played on Hiroshima Day, can be understood to represent both Hoenikker's naive and infantile nature as well as the great destruction wrought by his invention. Vonnegut contrasts the scientific aspects of the novel with the bizarre religion of Bokononism. Overall, Cat's Cradle is used by Vonnegut to point out the flaws in modern society. Through the ice-nine analog, Vonnegut shows that humanity's search for knowledge is likely to result in destruction. This fictional substance, coincidentally, has many similar characteristics to the atomic bomb. Above all, they are both symbols of the destructive power of human technology unleashed (Peacock vol.44 210). They also highlight the flaws of humans, showing that we are too reckless to be responsible for something as dangerous as Ice-Nine or the atomic bomb. Vonnegut exaggerates this recklessness by giving immediate ownership of ice nine to Dr. Hoenikker's three blatantly irresponsible children (Student Resource Center 1). Ultimately, ...... middle of paper ......nnegut." Young Adult Authors and Artists. Ed. Scot Peacock. 64 vols. Detroit: Gale Research, 1991. " Kurt Vonnegut. " Authors and artists for young adults. Ed. Scot Peacock. 64 vols. Farmington Hills, 2002. Meades, Jonathan “Kurt Vonnegut, Fantasist”. February 1973: 34-37. Ed. Jean C. Stine Vol. 2. Detroit : Gale, 1985. 455. Reed, Peter J. “Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.” Paperback Library, 1972. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 497. Schatt, Stanley, Jr. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1976. "Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle Expresses Alienation, 1963" Discovering American History, 2003. Resource Center January 4, 2006. Vonnegut, Kurt's Cradle New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc..., 1963.