
  • Essay / The Personal Development Process of Immunity to Change

    In this article, we will discuss how Immunity to Change (ITC) and Constructivist Development Theory (CDT) can be used in the service of personal and spiritual evolution. We will look at an ITC card and the data generated by it, and then reflect on this information. To do this, we begin by introducing the terms of ITC and CDT and how we can use them to support our developmental growth. Additionally, we will explore my personal ITC map and how working with it, through the lens of CDT, has led me to adaptive change, personal growth and evolution. Immunity to change is one of the principles of CDT (Developmental Constructivism). Theory) is the most powerful tool and can be used by anyone, regardless of their interests, whether personal or professional. This helps uncover the hidden commitments and motivations that prevent us from achieving our goals. This shines a light on our big assumptions and allows us to view them as objects rather than simply being managed by them. Using the ITC map not only reveals to us what has been holding us back, but also gives us a chance to come up with clear, objective goals and actions that can lead to developmental and adaptive change rather than technical change. we create and understand meaning or knowledge that informs or transforms us. It examines HOW we perceive and see the world around us instead of WHAT is perceived. The constructivist part of CDT posits that “human people or systems are constitutive of experience. We constitute reality, we don't just copy reality” and that “in every moment of your life, you choose what you pay attention to and what you ignore” (Kegan, 2014). The development part supports the idea that we are constantly changing on all sides of the paper......and more comprehensive. This new viewpoint is both simpler and more complex because it allows us to see both the forest and the trees in one glance. I am now ready to pursue another goal, that of writing a book of questions which can help us to pierce the veil of ignorance and help us to climb the ladder of evolution, of an order of mind to the other.ReferencesGarvey-Berger, J. (1999). Key concepts for understanding the work of Robert Kegan (Kegan, Robert. (February 12, 2014). Week 4: An overview of constructive development theory (CDT): the evolution of our epistemologies [T1]. Psychology 1034. Conference of Harvard Extension School, Cambridge, MA Kegan, R. and Laskow Lahey, L. (2009)...