
  • Essay / How Lifestyle Relates to Stewardship - 1151

    As we discussed in our last newsletter, stewardship involves all resources (time, talents, treasures, relationships, etc.) that God has entrusted to you. One area where your management becomes easily visible to the world is your lifestyle; it’s where you put your beliefs and values ​​into action as you use the resources given to you. In other words, this is where the rubber meets the road. As a result, good management requires us to have the right attitude and mindset towards every aspect of our lives. The topic of lifestyle is probably the most difficult to tackle for at least five reasons. First, God's Word does not specify a particular lifestyle. For example, although God's Word warns us not to pursue wealth, nothing in His Word condemns a person for being rich (we will discuss the topic of wealth in more detail in a future newsletter). (Please note that when we discuss "lifestyle", we are not referring to a person's ethical and moral conduct, but rather a person's "quality" of life or standard of living. God's Word clearly provides instructions on how we are to behave appropriately as Christians.) Second, our culture provides us with great freedom to choose our lifestyle (what we do, where we work, where we live. , what we drive, what we do with our leisure time, what we wear, etc.) provided that it honors God. Having so many options to choose from can complicate the problem. Third, lifestyle can very quickly raise a lot of controversy, simply because no one wants anyone else to tell them how to "live their life" (and they are usually right in thinking that, provided the sin is not a problem). Fourth, sin can often prohibit us from living a lifestyle that best serves God and...... middle of paper...... other aspects of a person's life and results in things such as neglect of family, rest and/or even worship of God. Therefore, as you can see, it is impossible, and unbiblical, for every Christian to have the same lifestyle. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:18-21, “But now God has placed each member in the body as he desired. If they were just one member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand: “I have no need of you”; or even head to toe: “I don’t need you. » Because a person's beliefs and values ​​will shape their lifestyle, every Christian must be sure that their beliefs and values ​​are consistent with God's Word! God willing, in future newsletters we will discuss the different aspects of a person's lifestyle and how each of them relates to stewardship..