
  • Essay / World Religions: Differences Between Islam and Christianity

    In previous decades, two religions were most followed by people: Islam and Christianity. Each religion differs from others in several aspects such as the Quran and the Bible. The followers of each religion believe that their religion is the true one since they believe that one is not distorted and the other is distorted. What could be the differences between these two religions? This essay analyzes the differences between Islam and Christianity. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay To fully understand both religions, we must first understand the meaning of their names. Every religion has been given a name based on the name of its creator or the culture and country in which it was founded, with the exception of Islam. What makes Islam different is that its name is not linked to any person or culture. The word Islam is originally an Arabic word meaning submission and religiously means submitting to the will of God by following all his orders and instructions. Mawdudi believes that: “As a religion, Islam represents complete submission and obedience to Allah and that is why it is called Islam.” Rather, Christianity means faith based on the individual and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Mawdudi says that: “Christianity takes its name from the name of its prophet Jesus Christ”. Defining the God of each religion is the most important thing to do because everything that comes next depends on this, where the followers of each religion are advised to follow the path and instructions given by their God. Islam states that there is one God (Allah) where they believe in the Oneness of Allah and that he is the creator of all things like the sun, earth, solar system, universes, etc. . and that Allah is the Almighty and All. -Supreme. Dr. Hammudah Abdalati believes: In Islam, Allah is the eternal and only God who stands above all other beings, so defying this belief means you are committing the most inexcusable act. Last but not least, Allah has no son, wife, race or body. This is the ideology of God in Islam. On the other hand, Behr states that in the Christian religion: "The one God exists in three Persons and one substance, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself for the Son, in whom creation then reconciled with God, is the property of the essence of the Father. So what the Son then accomplished were the works of the Father, for the Son is the form of the Father's divinity, who accomplished the works. The Father is God himself and his son is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, all three. constitute a God who can be three separate eternal entities at the same time without heterogeneity breaking the unification. The second major difference is the holy books bestowed upon messengers, which include God's words, commands, and instructions to guide people to the truth. . The holy book of Islam is called the Quran. The nature of the Quran relates to fundamental Islamic concepts such as the names of Allah and resurrection on the Day of Judgment. The Quran also contains stories about the early prophets and their history with their people. How did their people respond to their message to worship Allah only? Did they accept it and believe in the oneness of Allah to worship him or did they deny the message of the Prophet? It also contains factual events from the time of Prophet Muhammad with his companions, the disbelievers and with God. On the contrary, a Christian's holy book is called The Bible and consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Ehrman believes that “the New Testamentcontains 27 books divided into 4 groups: the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles and the Apocalypse" and it describes the Old Testament as follows: "The Old Testament contains 39 books (24 in Hebrew) which were more or less a fixed collection about a century after the life of Jesus.” They differ in the instructions and orders written there. For example, the Quran says that Jesus is a prophet who was raised by God to the first heaven and that he will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to restore justice. The Bible says that Jesus is the son of God who was crucified. The third difference between them is their place of worship where they perform their prayers to their God. Muslims pray in a mosque which often has a rounded roof which contains no images of animals or humans but only decoration with words from the Quran. Muslims pray five times a day, but what is the real purpose? Mawdudi states that: “These are the prescribed daily prayers which consist of repeating and refreshing five times a day the belief in which you rest your faith. You get up early in the morning, purify yourself and present yourself before your Lord for prayer. The different poses you adopt during your prayers are the very embodiment of the spirit of submission; the different stories remind you of your commitments to your God.” This is the way to reform and strengthen the bond between Muslims and Allah. It is simple to see how regular prayers strengthen the pillars of your faith, preparing you for a stronger understanding and devotion to God, and strengthening the faith from which courage, honesty, determination, purity are born. spirit, advancement of the soul and spiritual enrichment. Christians pray in a church that typically contains altar tables, pulpits, pulpits, baptismal fonts, and stained glass windows. McIntyre believes that: “Prayer is the elevation of the earthly soul to heaven, the entrance of the purified spirit into the holiest place; the tearing of the luminous veil which encloses, as if behind curtains, the glory of God. » One of the main beliefs of Islam is the Day of Judgment which is linked to certain events, instructions and descriptions in the Quran. As human beings, we are inevitably attracted by the charms of life, so we tend to overlook the fact that our life will end at some point and we will stand before Allah and be judged on all our actions, good and bad, what we have done in our life. Mawdudi declares that: “Let the complete record of every man and woman, of all their deeds and misdeeds, be presented before God for final judgment.” Would it make sense to live our lives contrary to what Allah ordered us to do?! Yet, some people live their lives omitting and completely ignoring Allah's commands. Muslims believe that they will leave this life and take with them only their deeds while leaving behind their money, cars, apartments, jewelry, etc. The Quran says: “He whose scales are heavy with good deeds, He will have a pleasant life… for he whose scales are light, his refuge will be an abyss”. This verse from the Quran encourages people to always think twice before taking any action, because they will be questioned about it on the Day of Judgment. They will live their lives striving to do only those acts that please God in order to be rewarded with Heaven, a place of eternal happiness. Consider the one who refuses to believe in the Day of Judgment. He will be convinced that believing in God and living by his rules have no consequences. How much importance would he place on a life spent seeking God's pleasure? Mawdudi clearly says: “For him, neither obedience to God is of any benefit, nor disobedience.