
  • Essay / working in groups - 543

    Problem statementLearning and working in groups whether in class or out of class is very important and complementary to lectures to help the student's main ideas and put them into practice in different situations , requiring complex presentations of critical thinking skills. Many instructors occasionally break classes into small, informal groups to accomplish short-term tasks. The type of cooperative group work envisioned here discusses projects that may last an entire class session, or even an entire semester. Groups are sometimes assigned by professors or students can decide who they want to work with, each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to find different ways in which individuals can learn how to work together. The key to group work is that the task is completed in which it requires interdependence, so that each student does not feel like the task is one person's work. Cooperative group work involves careful planning on the part of the instructor and is not...