
  • Essay / The Role of the Boston Massacre in American History

    The Boston Massacre, in many ways, was once a tragedy, but it was once crucial to the betterment of America as a nation. This used to be a misrepresentation of the concept of cruelty, as an entire nation was once judged through the thoughtless actions of a few soldiers. The massacre truly illustrated the reason and effect of growing tensions between a country and its colonies. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get the original essay On March 5, 1770, a conflict between a civilian and a British soldier resulted in a giant mob that gradually grew into into a rebel of more than 50 people. men. The fight progressed from exchanges of sentences to physical violence. Ice, snowballs and sticks were thrown. However, the clash turned serious when a soldier was knocked to the ground using a club. In the confusion, a musket was fired into the air, which was formerly interpreted by the various soldiers as an order to fire. When the land cleared, the devastating consequences were clear: five Bostonians were killed. In that moment, the road to America's future changed; he helped improve the United States in the sense that he strengthened the union between the people of the colonies, severed all ties between the colonists and Great Britain, and lit the spark of the American Revolution. The people of Boston reacted collectively; the match was once widespread. “…Three men were killed instantly and two others fighting for their lives…” read the entire Boston Gazette, and the news spread hastily throughout the colonies. On the day of the funeral, all the stores in Boston were closed, church bells rang relentlessly in the solemn city, and thousands gathered to commemorate the five deceased men. Never had the colonies been so united against what they perceived as their frequent enemy: Great Britain. In that moment, the colonies became a nation – working, thinking, and grieving together. Following the shooting, discontent increased tenfold. Any lingering trust between the Patriots and Britain dissipated the day after the first shot was fired. Almost immediately, a horde of people flooded the streets, eager for revenge. The outraged public called the event a massacre of innocents and later gave it the name known in today's history as the Boston Massacre. The incident quickly became an image of British tyranny and its desire to impose its will on the Americans through brutality. This represented a quintessential step forward for the people of the colonies, as they began to question whether or not they were truly the subjects of such a cruel nation, or the subjects of their own nation: America. Vicious attacks on the British government and its insurance policies unexpectedly followed. Numerous articles have been published, each irritating the military involved in the crisis. Details were omitted and wildly exaggerated stories emerged. “They took place using the customary residence and, continuing to push to extinguish people, they pricked some in several places, at which they shouted and, it is said, threw snowballs. Thereupon the captain ordered them to fire; and more snowballs are coming, he said again, shaking you, shoot, whatever the end result! ". Perhaps the most famous ebook would be Paul Revere's engraving, depicting the captain standing behind the soldiers and encouraging them to shoot..