
  • Essay / Pros and Cons of Military Veterans - 1092

    Being a military veteran can have both positive and negative effects on a person's ability to maintain employment and socialize with other people. Post-traumatic stress disorder is usually a problem among soldiers returning from war, although once a veteran recovers from it, it creates excellent employment opportunities. Business leaders recognize the usefulness of a veteran in the job market. Veterans tend to demonstrate great responsibility, leadership, and teamwork, making them the ideal employee for many jobs. Many people know the seriousness of post-traumatic stress disorder, but don't know what it actually is. “Post-traumatic stress disorder is the development of characteristic symptoms that occur following direct or indirect exposure to a traumatic or terrifying event in which physical harm was threatened, witnessed, or actually experienced. » (New 1). A person may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder if they witness or experience a traumatic event. Most Americans develop post-traumatic symptoms at some point in their lives, most of which stem from domestic violence. What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,, describes Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and its known symptoms. He explains this first by telling the reader what post-traumatic stress disorder actually is and examples of it, then gives the percentages of people who suffer from it, then breaks down the different types and levels, and finally shows research that explains all post-traumatic syndrome. Stress disorder. The author's goal is to explain what post-traumatic stress disorder is so that readers understand how serious post-traumatic stress disorder is. “Studies show that PTSD occurs in 1-14% of the population. It can be diagnosed at any age and can appear in the middle of paper......and deserves a huge amount of respect from people. The government doesn't provide much help to veterans, but the respect they command is incredible. Many people in America send money, clothing, and letters to our troops overseas and in other countries. Additionally, when they are discharged from the military, as long as they are not diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, they can find employment immediately and even start a family. It doesn't matter how important our troops are to the American people. , President Obama is cutting benefits to our veterans. "President Obama signed the two-year budget bill, which includes a controversial provision to reduce the annual cost-of-living increase in benefits for military retirees under age 62, which will allow the government to 'save about $6.3 billion over a decade' (lawmakers, veterans groups push to restore military benefits 1).