
  • Essay / The Art of Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque - 1237

    Picasso's Cubism is most likely the first phase of Analytical Cubism, which Kahnweiler refers to as the Hermetic period between 1909 and 1913 (Golding 118). At this time, Gris became familiar with the work of Picasso, who entered his critical phase to begin working on the first Cubist painting Demoiselles d'Avignon, and followed Picasso's Cubism step by step. It was now assumed that he would follow Picasso and Braque into analytical Cubism, which his studies and editorial experience suggested, but he instead adopted a cooler, purer, intellectual analysis of the inventive possibilities of Cubist painting (Golding 97) . It is not surprising that Juan Gris favored a more inventive Cubist method when we observe his obsession with patterns, complicated formulas, design and construction of ideas which would become detrimental to Synthetic Cubism (Gopnik 81, Green Synthesis 87) . Nor is it surprising that he, along with many other Cubists of his era, found work and friendship with a multitude of poets (Golding 13, De Costa