
  • Essay / Illinois Artists: Roscoe Misselhor, Helen Hokinson,...

    Illinois ArtistsArtists come from all over the world and a few of them are from Illinois. Artists can sculpt, draw, paint, sculpt, or do just about anything. Having an idea of ​​what artists can do can help understand what they draw and why. Artists like Roscoe Misselhorn, Trygve Rovelstad, Nate Collier, Hellen Hokinson and Edward L. Kemeys call Illinois home. The artists are very unique in their personality, but also in their works. Even though they make their works in Illinois, they don't always stay in Illinois; they also pass throughout the United States.Roscoe MisselhornRoscoe Misselhorn was born in 1902, and as he grew up he drew sketches that became known to thousands of people in the area (Mitchell 154.). During his school years he did two years of mechanical drawing and illustrations for a school yearbook (Mitchell 154.). Shortly after dropping out of high school, he worked for a clothing store in Sparta (Mitchell 154.). Frustrated with his work in Sparta, he moved to Chicago to join an art institute (Mitchell 154.). In 1924, Roscoe was married to Ruth Tritt, a teacher ("Roscoe" para.4). He attended the Saint-Louis School of Fine Arts for three years (“Roscoe” para.4). The classes Roscoe took helped him improve his cartooning skills (“Roscoe” para.4). Roscoe was a cartoonist for a newspaper company and was paid five dollars a week to produce cartoons for 3,000 newspapers (“Roscoe” para.5). After this, Ruth lost her job as a teacher (“Roscoe” para.5). Roscoe made money from his art until Ruth opened a shop (“Roscoe” para.5). Roscoe always creates his works with pencil and never with pen (Mitchell 154.). In 1940 he tried a new technique to use the hardness of the pencil on a smooth masonite sketch board (Mitchell 154.). Mi...... middle of paper ......military honors at "Arlington National Cemetery" (Colovos para.9). Illinois has many unique artists who practice many different types of art. Roscoe draws, Trygve sculpts, Nate draws, Hellen illustrates and Edward sculpts. They all have their own techniques and styles for their works. Overall, these are very talented and unique artists who have lived or live in Illinois. Works Cited Colovos, Avra. “A sculptor of Amiaux.” Illinois History. Np: np, nd N. pag. Print.Eden, Perry. “The Pearl City Cartoonist.” Illinois History. Np: np, nd N. pag. Print.Ermel, Debra. "Elgin artist with a dream." Illinois History. Np: np, nd N. pag. Print."Helen Hokinson." Helene Hokinson. Np, and Web. May 20, 2014. “Illinois Artists.” Illinois History. Np: np, nd N. pag. Print."Misselhorn Art Gallery." Misselhorn Art Gallery. Np, and Web. May 20 2014.