
  • Essay / News: Gravity - 1935

    It was then decided! My family was finally going to move! I know some people are generally depressed about moving, but not me. I couldn't wait, I hated this ruined city. Everyone was stubborn and no one liked each other. It wasn't the happy little town everyone expected. Sure, I would miss some of the friends I made, but I'm sure I'll make more in a big city where my family will be residing in up to 3 more days. Everything was decided suddenly; My father's job required him to move. In fact, he came home with the news only a few minutes ago. I remember we all breathed a sigh of relief. Farewell, horrible city that everyone neglects! My mother had already started packing. It was so sudden that we were all very excited to get out of here. The next day, movers were already there, making the neighborhood very lively. All we could get here was chatter from everyone panting that we were moving. No one has ever moved from Burk, we're the first ones in a while. However, since no one really cared about anyone except himself, they all left without a sound but still with a look of shock. In the evening of that day, we were all on our way to the new city we now belonged to. it seems like such a quick transition. There just wasn't much to say about the old town. It was boring. I didn't have any real friends there, so there weren't really any big, sad goodbyes. They were all pretty jealous that I was leaving there. It was a long and boring drive out of town, but when we reached the outskirts of town, everything was different. Is this really what I missed? All this nature, the animals, and the people smiling and with joyful gestures, with...... middle of paper......almost nine o'clock already! I decided to venture into the upstairs hallway hoping they were lost somewhere. I had no luck. Puzzled, I sat down trying to think of where they would be. I went to get my suitcase. I had packed two extra outfits in case things like this happened. Which has always been the case, I guess I'm just unhappy. After getting everything ready for the next day, I settled into bed. I'm glad everything went so well with the movers, well, except my clothes. The bed was there though and that was seriously all that mattered. I can live on nothing but my bed, my headphones, and my anime and survive happily. Well, I guess I could use some food. Hmm, I could order Usui to always cook me food! Ha-ha! It was planned. I just need a nice desolate island resort, some usui and ramen! That would be life! With this I fall asleep with a happy smile on my face.