
  • Essay / Privileged and Disadvantaged: Important Things in Life

    Money can give people many opportunities and privileges. Financially privileged people have no difficulty obtaining materialistic things such as big houses, expensive cars and jewelry. Being privileged can also bring better academic education as well as respect. On the other hand, lack of money, as one might guess, limits opportunities and lowers a person's status on the privilege pole. For a disadvantaged person to have all these things, he or she must work hard to obtain the luxuries of beautiful houses, nice cars, and jewelry. When it comes to education, the most disadvantaged may not attend the best schools, but they receive an education that will prove more valuable in life; they learn to earn respect, appreciate what they have, and survive with the bare necessities and what is truly important in life. So when a person looks at each group and tries to decide whether any of them get the most out of life, they will find that disadvantaged individuals get much more out of life than someone from wealth and privileges. People are respected whether they are or not. are privileged or disadvantaged; the difference is that privileged individuals often do not receive true respect. People treat the privileged with respect because money says, “I’m better than you.” Money equals power or shows higher status/position in life and people treat elitists as such without question. These “special” individuals also tend to show little, if any, respect toward others, especially when others seem unimportant. It seems that rights holders do not understand that respect must be given in order for it to be received. Actually, people don't respect the rich because... middle of paper... kids are in bed at a certain time. Despite the privilege of having everything that money can buy, a disadvantaged person gets the important things that money cannot buy. Many people have heard the expression "if you give a man a fish, you can feed him for a day; if you teach a man to fish, you can feed him for a lifetime." Well, I believe the privileged get fish and the underprivileged learn to fish. Works Cited Blakeley, Kiri. “The highest paid models in the world.” July 16, 2007.Web. July 28, 2010. Deane, Michael “From poverty to power: Celebrities who started with nothing” . Financial benefit. by March 25, 2010. the web. July 29, 2010.