
  • Essay / The cause and effect of deforestation in the Amazon and Southeast Asia

    Table of contentsEnvironmental problems and their causesAddressing environmental problemsMarginalized populationsEnvironmental power and benefits/burdensEnvironmental problems and their causesDeforestation of the Amazon rainforest environmental degradation in Latin America, as people have been cutting down rainforests for many years for timber and agricultural land. Deforestation of the Amazon did not simply begin with Europeans, but much earlier, with the Mayan, Inca and Aztec civilizations (274-275). This was originally a result of the use of local resources, but, as Latin America's forests were discovered to be home to much of the world's biodiversity, we now know that the Amazon helps eliminate gases greenhouse effect of the atmosphere, on a global scale. Therefore, the more we remove, the less greenhouse gases are eliminated. Say no to plagiarism. Get a Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get Original EssayThe large-scale rice agribusiness in Southeast Asia, which can be grown all year round, has caused an increase in air humidity around large fields, affecting other crops and the microclimatic patterns of the surrounding area (387). As it is one of the few major crops that can grow in standing water, and pairs well with fish and vegetable diets, as well as the fact that it can be used any year round, it has been grown as a major crop in the region for many years. The effect this has on the climate is different from that of the Amazon. Although this situation creates a snowball effect, likely to affect global climate patterns, the cessation of rice production will not be the only factor. This is due more to the use of local resources than to global demand for resources. I think in the case of the Amazon most people would consider that a problem. As people become more aware of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to the growing awareness of global warming, it is a topic that resonates with people. Unfortunately, since rice production in Southeast Asia is not the main factor influencing climate change, only large farmers are concerned, although this is not necessarily the case. Addressing environmental issues Payments for Environmental Services (PES) is a program that emerged to protect Latin American forests, such as the Amazon. This program pays residents to help protect their local environment (279). This is a government program to help conserve the forest, its resources and its ability to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Similarly, in Southeast Asia, deforestation is a problem. Fortunately, their government has set aside forest reserves and banned logging in many places. Many social movements and protests have also taken place to raise awareness of these issues (396). People are helping the government in Southeast Asia, and the government appears to be taking action on these issues. It is helpful that environmentalists and human rights groups have attracted international attention. It appears that more populated areas require greater social engagement with the issues in question. Unfortunately, the Amazon is not as densely populated as areas of Southeast Asia and therefore cannot be preserved in the same way..