
  • Essay / The Portland Development Commission - 718

    This article is from Academic Search Premier. He reports that Portland citizens have worked with the Portland Development Commission to survey 35 city blocks and expect these blocks to become a model of urban sustainability. To set energy goals, city planners calculate the amount of oxygen released and carbon dioxide used in a forested area the size of 35 city blocks. I like how this demonstrates the plan they are using and how it gets citizens and government working together. Although this source is outdated, I would like to use it in my essay because it indicates that the neighborhood would reduce its net energy and water consumption, while maintaining its connection to the city's sewer system and electrical grid. city, because I would like to know the result of the plan; whether or not they achieve their energy and water reduction targets. I would like to use this information to illustrate how Portland became green because it shows the public that the city has been starting to care about sustainability for a long time and continues to develop its city to become better. The article covers the introduction to “We Build Green”. Cities starting with the city of Portland, Oregon to increase trade and the regional economy. I would probably use some ideas from this source to write about how business owners and the economy grow together, as well as the green development practices that have become part of the city's unique character. I would not use the information primarily based on how Zimmer Gunsul Frasca, an architectural firm, improved its sustainable aspect after ZGF Architects LLP designed green buildings in the region and around the world, because it does not is not relevant to my topic. This article is found......middle of article......possibility and also demonstrates why it is important to people. I found this, I found this article on Academic Search Premier. It focuses on Portland's plan to improve its green building program through the development of a high-performance green building policy. It shows that building codes play a major role in creating environmentally friendly homes, which require citizens to use green resources and reduce their energy and water consumption. Additionally, the green policy encourages people to install eco-friendly roofs and observe stormwater management practices that will help homeowners save water and protect the environment. I would definitely use this source in my article because it is a very useful example that shows that Portland is one of the projects being worked on and perhaps other urban cities can also use this project to become more sustainable..