
  • Essay / The escape from Anzio - 653

    January 22, 1944, the sun is shining and there is a fairly strong wind blowing on the beach of Anzio. Over the next two days, more than 30,000 Allied troops will cover this beach and experience some of the bloodiest fighting of the war over the next four months. Anzio was originally meant to be a diversion that Sir Alexander could use to break the Gustav line. However, after an immediate push towards Rome failed, the allies would find themselves trapped in trench warfare and forced to escape from Anzio. It was simply called the Anzio Breakout. The Anzio Escape included the plan and its flaws, the invasion and the escape. The Allied commander Sir Alexander felt that he could not take Rome unless a maritime assault exhausted the Cassino Front, which would draw German troops away from the front. Gustave line. This plan was called Operation “Shingle.” Alexander believed that if he could capture the Albanian hills northeast of Anzio, he would prevent the Germans from sending supplies to Cassino. And without supplies, the Germans would be forced to retreat into the Apennines. However, the general of the German troops, Lucas, saw a flaw there after the invasion. He realized that the allies could not hold both the Alban Hills and the lifeline to the port of Anzio. Hoping to exploit this weakness, Lucas created a beachhead on the outskirts of Anzio to stop the Allies. Alexander, now having a plan and not realizing his flaws, kicked off and the Allied troops began their invasion. On January 22, 1944, Allied troops fell on the beaches of Anzio, completely surprising the Germans, catching them off guard. This was possible because the attention and reserve troops were moved south, in order to oppose the Allied attack...... middle of paper ...... the platoon of Scott in fractions thus assuring that in the final attack, the Americans would be the ones who liberated Rome. Rome finally fell after months of fighting on June 4, 1994. Works cited “ANZIO 1944”. US Army Center for Military History. Internet. April 3, 2010. “Anzio and the road to Rome”. Home of heroes home page. Internet. April 3, 2010. "Battle of Anzio? Articles, videos, images and facts from" The History channel? Home page. Internet. April 3, 2010. “Dead end of the National WWII Museum in Anzio. » The National World War II Museum June 6, 2010 â?? The museum is celebrating its tenth anniversary and commemorating J.Web Day. April 3. 2010. .