
  • Essay / bla bla - 2026

    Why in the feminine mystique new advances have been made, such as vacuum cleaners and other devices to help take care of the home. Both care for housewives, but both have come and gone in different ways. However, the cult of domesticity and the feminine mystique were major elements of women throughout history. 3.) Domestic expectations and work defined women's place in American society from colonial times until our days. Women's activities have been defined for centuries, particularly by their domestic expectations and their ability to attend school and receive an adequate education. The differences between the eras that preceded the present are diverse and very apparent. Domesticity becomes a profession for middle-class women. In the 18th century, the republican mother appeared on the scene. This was directly related to domestic expectations as it involved child rearing. Women were expected to ensure that their children were respected citizens who did not oppose the new republic. Women were praised for teaching their children what society considered appropriate (Coryell, 123-124). Domestic expectations included not only cleaning the house and cooking dinner, but also caring for the family and making sure they were happy. Another domestic expectation of women stemmed from the cult of domesticity and feminine mystique. This has increased the expectations of women in ensuring cleanliness of the house. If a person saw a dirty floor, they were immediately judged as lazy and not a good housewife (Coryell, 179-181). This idea grew with the feminine mystique which revived the idea of ​​the cult of domesticity in the 1950s (Coryell, 379-380). Women created manuals for others to learn easier ways to clean their homes and raise their children. Many are moving... middle of paper ... and could take the children without any protest from the government. It was advantageous for the man to take the children because he was the only one who could earn enough money to support them. In the 21st century, this is not the case. Courts place children with the most suitable parent. This gives the child a greater chance of being with the right person. In most cases, children go to women, which was very different in the 18th century. Children also have a say in who they go with now. When a child reaches a certain age, they can choose which parent they want to live with. It's better for women today because they don't lose everything if their husband leaves them or if they want to leave their husband. It’s no longer just a patriarchal mindset. Courts, laws and others recognize the matriarchal aspect for children and parents.