
  • Essay / Comparison of “Ghazal” and “The Farmer's Bride”

    Mimi Khalvati explores the theme of desire in her ten stanzas Ghazal, “Ghazal”. The semantic fields of nature and the constant refrain help express the central themes of the poem. Similarly, “The Farmer's Bride” by Charlotte Mew uses structure and natural imagery to explore the theme of desire and imbalance in the relationship she presents in her poem. “Ghazal” uses contrast to ambiguously suggest the improbability of a relationship between the speaker and her. lover. The juxtaposition of the “iron fist in the velvet glove” is presented to suggest the contrast between the two. An “iron” is a cold, hard substance, while a “velvet glove” is a soft, gentle substance. This then implies that they do not belong together, and from the beginning the speaker is aware of this, but continues to pace her lover, hoping that they will soon be together as the poem progresses. The juxtaposition of the “iron fist” and the “velvet glove” however gives an idea of ​​the term that opposites attract. The couple is unlikely but they still possess this nature of wanting despite their differences. This could be used by Khalvati as a representation of the different sides of love; it's not only a soft and sensual feeling, it's also hard and difficult. This could be used as an indication that the speaker is not naive about what she aspires to, she understands the implications and repercussions of the relationship she aspires to enter into. It could further be inferred that the speaker aspires to subdue her lover into wanting her as much as she wants, the "fist" inside the "glove" suggests that the speakers aspire to have her where she wants . This provokes an unsettling feeling, that the speaker doesn't just want to have him as a lover because... middle of paper...... uh beloved. However, describing her tongue as venomous presents the idea of ​​her urgency to be noticed by her beloved despite the added sense of danger. This presents the theme that the speaker is determined to make her beloved love her in return. Similarly, the farmer in “The Farmer's Bride” is desperate for his wife to show him some sort of affection in return. The farmer longs to have “someone other than us at home!” The use of this exclamation point emphasizes her urgency to have children, which can only be achieved by being intimate and affectionate with her partner. Both poems represent the despairs and failures of the love they cultivate for their beloved, with a touch of sadness to the poems. From there, the reader can feel almost sympathy towards the unrequited lovers and understand the perils and repercussions of love..