
  • Essay / “For Better or Worse, Social Worker Interventions''

    In “Social Work in the City: Rewards and Risks,” Monte Williams discussed the issues students examined as social workers when They were confronted with violent human behavior. The author said, “They said it was consistent with a social worker's view of violence – to always try to understand the roots of it” (p.1). The author explained how communication between individuals of social workers is important because the mindset of social work and social workers can be the key to reducing dysfunctional actions. Unfortunately for social worker Tiffany F. Goldberg, who was attacked by a stranger in New York, Williams believed her situation could have been avoided. As he stated: “If society had provided the resources that people need” (p.1), i.e. social order, treatment could have been given to these abusers sooner in difficulty, and there could have been less risk of violence to face. The author said, “New York City is one of the greatest social work laboratories in the world – filled with poor and struggling people, at-risk children, and broken marriages” (p.1) . So the author thinks it would be an important place for social workers. to practice their skills. Some social workers viewed abusers as if they had difficult childhoods, which could have been the cause of their bad behavior. On the other hand, society blames individuals for their actions, according to one student, Mr. Miller, who said, “Violence is passed down from one generation to the next” (p.1). The author believes that social workers can help resolve these issues through counseling, in which intergenerational conflict is a struggle between members of a family and their families to meet each other's communication needs, stress and disagreements between them. The author claims that communication between...... middle of paper ......e also takes up a lot of time in the social worker's life. Cawood explained that society is so dysfunctional that the idea of ​​a perfect human being cannot be developed in opposition to one's upbringing and living environment? The two articles “Social Work In the City: Rewards And Risks” by Monte Williams and “Violent Events: School Social Workers' Perception and Response” by Natalie Diane Cawood are significant/relevant to my research question, as each of them discusses the importance The benefits of why and how social workers helping to engage people with mental disorders can help improve society. Although the roles of each social worker in both articles face perils in different environments, both authors were able to describe the creative strategies used by social workers to reduce these human behavior problems...