
  • Essay / Argumentative Essay on Bullying - 1049

    There is a little girl crying in the corner because someone called her fat; there is a boy who pretends to smile in front of others, but instead he is suffering inside because someone made him feel less good. These emotionally injured children and adolescents occur in many schools. This action is known as intimidation. Bullying is the act of physically or verbally mistreating someone to intentionally damage their self-esteem or to intimidate others. Although bullying is recognized worldwide, many people, such as adults or teachers, are unaware when students are being bullied. The most common misconception about bullying is that individuals bully others because they want to. However, there are specific reasons why bullying occurs, such as bullying a person because of their physical defects, race, and ethnicity. There are many different reasons that cause bullying and a common reason is that bullies like to bully others because of their physical flaws. . The idea of ​​bullying an individual based on their physical flaws originated in the story of Peguero and Williams who developed a hypothesis that provided an example on stereotypes and the black/African American race. They hypothesized that "bullying victimization will increase among Black/African American and Latino youth from high SES [socioeconomic status] families because stereotypes about Black/African youth Americans and Latin Americans suggest that they are economically disadvantaged” (549). Their statement suggests that Black/African and Latino individuals who are already bullied because they are a minority will also be bullied more because of stereotypes. Like the stereotype stated above, these individuals will also be bullied due to their social class by someone who belongs to a higher social level.