
  • Essay / Cause-Related Marketing - 1919

    This essay will focus on exploring the following topics:1. Cause-related marketing2. Cause-related marketing in the charitable sector3. Cause-related marketing within the (RED)4 campaign. Customer behavior5. Customer behavior in the charitable sector6. Customer Behavior within the Campaign (RED)Cause-related marketing will explore this type of marketing, its adversaries and adversaries. It will also explore the phenomenon of charitable products linked to this type of marketing.3.2 WHAT IS CAUSE-RELATED MARKETING? CRM is defined as marketing involving a cooperative effort of a “for-profit” business and a non-profit organization, resulting in mutual benefit. . CRM is different from corporate donations because it is not necessarily a one-time donation and is not tax deductible. CRM was first seen in a campaign in 1976 as part of the partnership between Marriott Corporation and the March of Dimes charity. ( Marriott's overall goal with this partnership was to create major publicity and marketing awareness for the opening of their 200-acre family entertainment center, Marriott's Great America in Santa Clara, California. They wanted to have over 2 million visitors in the first year of their family center. The March of Dimes saw this as a way to increase awareness and raise funds for their engagement walks in the Western States region of the United States between now and the end of the deadline. The marketing campaigns launched in 67 cities across 17 Western states, offering participants the chance to win trips to the Great America Center for the walker who brought in the most sponsorship before the deadline. An added bonus was that winners could bring 100 of their friends with them to the opening of Great America;...... middle of paper ...... Cooperative Sales Promotion: An idea whose time has come . The Journal of Consumer Marketing,3(1), 15-33.Varadarajan, P.R. and Menon, A. (1988). Cause-related marketing: An alignment of marketing strategy and corporate philanthropy. Journal of Marketing, 52(3), 58-74. Williams, Brian. (2006). Bono, Bobby Shriver hopes Americans see red. MSNBC, retrieved from, R.K. (2003). Case study research: Design and methods (3rd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Yin, R. K. (1984). Case study research: design and methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. WEBSITES (2010). Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from (2010). Taken from fact sheet Red. (2006). Retrieved from