
  • Essay / Sacrifice and compromise: a comparative analysis in literature and cinema

    In the short stories “The Rules of the Game” and “The Bass, the River and Sheila Mant”, as well as in the film Son of Rambow, the characters have learned to compromise and make sacrifices from time to time to form and maintain relationships with others. In “The Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan, Meimei does not want to compromise and therefore argues with her mother. The narrator of WD Wetherell's "The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant" releases a huge fish in order to maintain a relationship with his crush. In the film Son of Rambow, Will learns that he must make changes in his life to maintain his friendship with Lee. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Meimei refuses to let her mother brag about her accomplishments in "The Rules of the Game" and as a result, she is rejected by her family. Mrs. Jong is proud of her daughter's success in chess and takes her to the market to show it off. Meimei refuses to allow her mother this pleasure and tells her that she is embarrassing her. Ms. Jong gets angry and with "her voice cracking with anger" she asks, "Is it embarrassing to be my daughter?" (232). Mrs. Jong is angry because her daughter is unwilling to sacrifice some of her own pride for her mother's. When Meimei finally returns home after being rude to her mother and then running away, the family does not want to talk to her because of how she has disgraced them. “We don’t care about this girl,” Ms. Jong said. “This girl doesn’t worry about us” (233). Since Meimei is not willing to compromise for her mother, her mother wants nothing to do with her. From this experience, Meimei learns the importance of compromising to avoid hurting the feelings of those close to her. In "The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant", the narrator learns that to have a relationship with some girls, sometimes you have to give up. his own interests, but he also learns that making big sacrifices for girls isn't always worth it. His two interests, fishing and his crush, Sheila Mant, conflict in the story. Sheila Mant expresses a strong disinterest in fishing when she tells him that she thinks "fishing is's boring and all." Certainly stupid” (170). From then on, the narrator makes compromises to make Sheila interested in him; he hides his love of fishing from her. Ultimately, he makes a huge sacrifice when he releases the fish he caught, just to maintain his relationship with Shelia. However, although he hides his love of fishing well and apparently holds Sheila's interest, she eventually rejects him and the narrator realizes that he has compromised too much. He said: "There would be other Sheila Mants in my life, other fish, and although I came close once or twice, it was these secret tugs hidden in the night that called for me , and I never made the same mistake again” (173). ). Looking back on this experience, the narrator decides that compromising for Sheila was not worth it. In the film Son of Rambow, Will learns that in order to make and keep a new friend, he must make changes and compromises to his previous life. Coming from a deeply religious family, Will must make many adjustments to befriend Lee, a notorious troublemaker. Will compromises his values ​​when he lies to his mother about meeting Lee to make their movie. Also, inspired by Lee, Will steals groceries from the supermarket. He misses church and prayer meetings to spend time with Lee and work on the film. In fact, his life changes so radically that members of their cult, "The Brothers", feel the?