
  • Essay / Essay on Sports in Sports - 730

    “JUST DO IT” is a famous saying for student athletes around the world, but what if this saying was also applied to academics? Students love sports, but sometimes sports can affect their college career. When students practice after school, it takes away valuable time from homework or studying. Grades can drop significantly over the course of a student's sports season. Although people claim that a failing student should be able to participate in sports because it is good exercise, they should not do so because grades are important and sports are a distraction. Having good enough grades can play an important role in a young adult's life. Knowledge is power. As my grandmother always said, “The more you know, the more you grow.” » Learning as a young adult can transform a teenager into a contributing member of life. The combination of sports and school can overwhelm a young adult who thinks they can do it all. Many teenagers and even children think they can handle everything at once, when in reality they can't. The time that sports practices take after school can leave a child with little or no time to do homework or study. If I played a sport, I would be so overwhelmed with homework, chores, and practices that I would be a wreck. Some of my classmates who are athletes don't do as well as my classmates who don't play sports. To make up for the time lost by athletes, students stay up late to complete their homework, losing sleep, which can cause a multitude of problems. The stress placed on children to succeed in sports is far greater than the stress to succeed in academics. I know tons of teachers who care more about their students' performance than their success. Many schools, from elementary to college, place more emphasis on sports than on studies. Most student-athletes are no longer focused on passing the Friday morning test and winning the Friday night game. Others might argue differently, but sport is not as important as