
  • Essay / Governor's School Essay - 638

    With wonderful learning opportunities, a team of sharp and intelligent classmates and teachers, and specialized equipment, the Governor's School at Innovation Park is the ultimate dream of every determined math and science enthusiast. With my natural curiosity about math and science and my desire to tackle challenging ideas, I can collaborate with the Governor's School team to develop our broad range of ideas and capabilities into a highly sophisticated product. While studies at the Governor's School are significantly more advanced and require more effort than at traditional public schools, I consider this rigor to be the key to my academic success. For me, the classes I take that constantly introduce new thoughts that test my ability to “think outside the box” are the ones that capture my full attention and interest. For example, while working with the Sierpinski Triangle at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth geometry camp, I was struck by a strong determination to discover the secret of the pattern. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the Sierpinski triangle is “a fractal based on a triangle in which four equal triangles are inscribed. The central triangle is removed and each of the other three is treated as the original, and so on, creating an infinite regress in finite space. By constructing a table with the black and white triangle numbers in each figure, I realized that it was easier to see the relationships between the numbers. At Governor's School, I expect to receive challenging concepts to challenge my exceptional thinking. As a former captain of the robotics club team and student council historian at Patriot High School, I understand the importance of combining leadership and collaboration. While... middle of paper ......lan. The main challenge of an achievement is the path that must be taken to reach its goal. By becoming a student at the Governor's School, I believe I can take a step forward in achieving my career goal, while also contributing to the school environment. The PWC Governor's School math and science program features stimulating learning opportunities and motivated classmates and teachers. it can increase my curiosity and dedication to the mathematical and scientific world around me. It also deprives me of a window of opportunity to move closer to my professional aspiration. In return, I can bring collaboration, leadership and, above all, an intelligent mind capable of creating pioneering, innovative and inspiring ideas. Together, PWCS Governor's School students/faculty and I can collaborate to form the most revolutionary solutions..