
  • Essay / Essay on My Journey to College - 713

    I worried that I wouldn't be able to live up to my family's standards. All the work assigned to me in my five core gifted classes and the stress began to pile up. My life was spiraling before my eyes. I lost control of the wheel and drove into a ditch; a ditch, rather a bottomless pit of foam. I thought I was strong enough to hold on, but apparently that wasn't the case. Reluctantly, I handed the wheel over to my parents and let them guide me to where I needed to be. Finally, tenth grade came around and I got back on my feet. I've been stuck with broken glass trying to make myself whole again. At this point, I just had to finish high school. By the end of tenth grade, I passed every course I had taken, from band to chemistry. Eleventh grade was approaching and the anxiety began to build again. I wanted more for myself. I was no longer satisfied being just any other person at Hialeah Gardens High School. My options were to either pursue dual enrollment or complete high school together. Dual enrollment was ruled out when my test scores were not consistent with the new passing score they had recently achieved. There were two months of school left and it was until then that I decided