
  • Essay / Play: Macbeth, by William Shakespeare - 1282

    The play Macbeth contains many hallucinations. The hallucinations in the play tried to make the characters understand that what they were doing was wrong. This makes them aware of their mistakes. I believe this story is meant to teach people that they must do the right things at all times or conscience will hunt them down. Throughout the play Macbeth, a few characters hallucinate about many of the scenes that take place in this play. Here are the things they hallucinate about in this room. Macbeth sees a dagger, Macbeth imagines a voice which warns him "Macbeth shall sleep no more" (2.2.35-36) and he imagines that the sleepers could see him listening to their exclamation of fear, Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo, the three apparitions of witches, and Lady Macbeth sees blood on her hands. I will talk about the many hallucinations that existed in the room. The first hallucination takes place in Act 2, Scene 1. “Is that a dagger that I see hanging in the air before me? (2.1.33-64). This supports the thesis because Macbeth thought about killing Duncan before doing so. Macbeth wonders if the dagger is real or if he is hallucinating. This imaginary dagger leads him to the room where Duncan is. This makes Macbeth want to pull out his own dagger. Macbeth draws his dagger and kills Duncan. Macbeth begins to lose his mind. The second hallucination takes place in Act 2, Scene 2. Macbeth begins to imagine that the sleepers might see him listening to their exclamations of fear. This supports the thesis because the conscious Lady Macbeth was devouring her because she was telling him to go ahead and kill Duncan. Macbeth's hands are all bloody like... middle of paper... on her. So good night” (5.1.70-73). The doctor simply told the attendant to keep an eye on Lady Macbeth, as he was afraid she would harm herself (commit suicide). Even though the Doctor warns the attendant about Lady Macbeth, she commits suicide anyway. Lady Macbeth's last words before she died were: "To bed, to bed!" There is a knock at the door. Come, come, come, come, give me your hand! / What is done cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed” (5.1.62-64)! I think Macbeth and Lady Macbeth deserved to relive all the hallucinations they experienced in this play. Macbeth deserved it because he killed people to get what he wanted in life. He also did it to maintain his title as king. Lady Macbeth deserved it because she essentially pressured and persuaded her husband Macbeth to commit some of the murders he committed..