
  • Essay / The Impact of Management in Business Globalization

    The markets and economies of the world are absorbed by globalization. Countries around the world involved in international trade are making huge profits due to the significant changes made in terms of technology, communications, traffic infrastructure and management. Nowadays there are no barriers to what multinational companies can do in business, therefore this essay will discuss the impact of management in business globalization by including some key factors such as culture shock , fair trade issues, the managerial culture of certain countries. countries and ethical issues that leaders face when dealing with international affairs. Multinational corporations are companies that have great power to produce goods and services that they can supply to different parts of the world. In order to maximize their profits, multinational companies exploit their production of goods or services in other countries, which favors cheap labor and minimum wages. Due to globalization of business and expansion of global markets, management is subject to certain changes such as: managers who work abroad must now possess the necessary skills and knowledge regarding international business in order to properly handle questions from staff, customers and management. When traveling abroad, managers are often affected by what is called culture shock. Culture shock occurs when managers travel to new countries for work and find themselves living in completely different environments than they are used to, behaviors, daily life, perspectives and way of thinking are new and it It is often difficult for them to adapt. Culture shock often leaves managers feeling isolated and anxious.T...... middle of paper ......effects of globalization on business. Online article retrieved April 14, 2014 from: Kathrin, T. (2011). Working abroad: how to overcome culture shock. Accessed online April 14, 2014 at: Anup, S. (2000) Fare trade . Global Issues: Online article retrieved April 14, 2014 from:, C. (2013). Fair Trade and its Impact on Poor Nations, available online at: The Journal of Business Ethics, ( 2011). Ethical objections to fair trade. Accessed April 15 at: