
  • Essay / A view of the Mexican-American battle and the reasons behind the United States' involvement

    Was the United States right to go to war against Mexico? This is a triggering phrase similar to watching two siblings fight over who gets to play the Xbox. “It’s MY Xbox.” “But you’re ruining the whole game.” In this case, Mexico owns the disputed land and the United States is eager to take it. In my opinion, the United States should not have gone to war with Mexico for the following reasons: the United States provoked the war; winning Texas was another way to spread slavery; and annexing Texas would make America an even greater threat, scaring Mexico and other countries as well. The “American Invasion” was only part of the American plan to gain land in the early 1800s, again under the same pretext, Manifest Destiny. Mexico's idea of ​​convincing American settlers to settle down to equalize the contrasting social population of rich and poor backfired...and right after gaining independence from Spain: A History of Mexican horror! Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay “...[T]roops commanded by General Zachary Taylor arrived at the Rio Grande… (Doc. C)” from Mexican According to our perspectives, the border between Mexico and the United States was the river Nueces. When the Americans crossed the Rio Grande, which is downstream from the Nueces River, Mexico caught fire. This means that the United States started the war, forcing the Mexicans to be the last straw until they were finally forced to start defending themselves. “Polk saw Mexico's treatment [of the envoys] as an opportunity [to go to war]. He felt that America's honor had been called into question. When the news came...that Mexican soldiers had fired on Americans on the 'Texas side' of the Rio Grande, President Polk had reason to go to war (BE).” I think this is full of nonsense, because previously the quote implied that the US had a reason to go to war, so why would Mexico attack first? This improbable event suggests some essential changes in the history of the war. “A stream of emigration soon followed from the United States. Slave owners crossed the Sabine (river between Louisiana and Texas) with their slaves, in defiance of the Mexican ordinance of freedom. (Doc. D)” This quote makes the United States very ironic since the United States was “the land of opportunity and freedom” that many people of ethnic groups rushed to, but many slaves did not have neither opportunities nor freedom. In Mexico, slavery was illegal, so in some ways, Mexico was even freer than the United States. The Mexican-American War was just another product of Manifest Destiny, an excuse from "God" to gain land from the Atlantic to the Pacific to spread "democracy", which eventually turned into a excuse for spreading slavery. If the Americans took over Texas (which happened anyway), the territory would be back to square one: slavery. Considering that Texas still belonged to them, Mexico tried to prevent opposition to slavery from becoming obsolete. “The combination of American troops in the Rio Grande and the attempt to buy a large part of their country angered the Mexican government. [Polk’s envoys] were asked to leave Mexico City (BE).” The lightness with which the author has.