
  • Essay / Bullying has gone too far - 806

    “Online bullying is not just about technology, it's also about behavior. » (Irish Examiner) Bullying these days is more than just ridicule at school, now it's over. even further, so that there is almost no escape. (The Globe and Mail) For kids these days, it's so easy for them to sit behind a screen and type things or post things to hurt other people. Parents may think they're monitoring their kids' Facebook or Twitter usage, but there are plenty of other new sites available as apps that can be accessed on any smartphone. There are sites where you can be completely anonymous and post on other people's walls or even message them directly. Some young children may not realize how much they can hurt others; they are too young to understand the consequences of their actions. I think they should have to face the consequences of their actions. Although some people think that children are too young to know more and should not be subjected to adult accusations, students should be accused of online bullying because it is not fair to children, let no one defend them and put an end to them. to bullying, if children have to commit acts that hurt other people, whether they say it to their face or not, then they need to face the consequences and know that it is best to avoid abusing technology . Are children really too young in this area? generation? Some people think that children are too young to know better and should not be subject to accusations from adults. What people don't realize is that kids are acting much older than they used to, high school students today listen to much more explicit music, attend parties and may consume alcohol. (Pittsburgh Tribune) I believe that if they are to act like they are old enough to participate in these activities...... middle of document...... taken from /757026123?accountid=45111Offman, C. (2013, October 19). The problem of “cyberbullying”. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from is “a problem of behavior, not technology.” (October 30, 2012). Irish Examiner. Retrieved from, B. (October 19, 2013). Apps open secret worlds to children. Tribune - Review / Pittsburgh Tribune - Review. Retrieved from, Alison. “Fighting cyberbullying at school and outside of school.” District Administration December 2013: 18. Student Edition. Internet. March 27, 2014. Document URL