
  • Essay / Delusional Perspective in "Don Quixote" by Miguel De Cervantes

    In Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes, the main motifs depicted throughout the novel are honorable chivalry and the delusional perception with which Don Quixote views the world as enchanted. In several stories throughout the story, it becomes apparent that, although he is delusional, Don Quixote reveals many positive qualities such as honor and chivalry. He demonstrates courage, loyalty, and determination throughout his many adventures, even when it is obvious that his perception of the world is impractical. Don Quixote de la Mancha goes mad because of the misconception that the world he lived in should be as full of adventure as he had read so much about in his books of knights and chivalry. Rather than being content with the idea that he lived according to the traditional norm, he decided to see life in different, more eccentric terms, and to create an enchanted world in which he was a knight-errant going on a quest. many significant adventures to proclaim his honor. Although Don Quixote creates imaginative fascinations involving his absolute love and devotion to Dulcinea, his quests and adventures he pursues, and in the most trivial everyday encounters, he demonstrates many noble and chivalrous attributes despite his madness. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay After declaring his status as a knight-errant, Don Quixote asserts that he must have a great lady in whom he can perform honorable deeds in the name of. Aldonza Lorenzo, a peasant girl whom Don Quixote loved but barely knew, was renamed in his mind the Dulcinea of ​​Toboso whom Don Quixote praised and devoted all his efforts in the name of his honor. When Don Quixote later comes across a group of merchants, he asks them to confess Dulcinea's ultimate beauty, without ever even seeing what she looks like. “Everyone stops now and admits that there is no more beautiful young girl in the world than the Empress of La Mancha, the incomparable Dulcinea del Toboso! (42-43).” Although his request was not fulfilled and Dulcinea's beauty was not formally recognized by the group of merchants, they left him beaten with a broken spear and face down on the ground, but Don Quixote remains confident and faithful in his devotion to his ideal lady. When Don Quixote speaks to Vivaldo about his love that he serves, he speaks of Dulcinea of ​​Toboso in the most thoughtful and compassionate terms. “Her rank must be at least that of a princess… her superhuman beauty, since in her are realized all the impossible and chimerical attributes of beauty that poets give to their ladies (101). » Once again, Don Quixote speaks of Dulcinea as if she were his inspiration and his reason for living, even though she is only a simple peasant and knows nothing about him. During his journey, Don Quixote encounters many adventurous quests, which seem large-scale. Significance, however, is essentially another way in which his self-deceptive way of thinking creates meaning out of ordinary situations. When Don Quixote first leaves, he crosses paths with the farmer who beats his shepherd, thinking that the farmer is a knight, and that in fact he is doing the young boy good by confronting the farmer about paying the boy , he actually succeeds. Worse still, the farmer continues to beat the boy harder after Don Quixote leaves. The famous windmill scene, which Don Quixote mistakes for giants, is another great example of how Don Quixote misinterprets reality in hopes of becoming rich andto rid the earth of evil. Since Don Quixote imagines the windmills as evil giants, he continues to follow his brave idea of ​​attacking them. This bold action is still deemed necessary, even after his defeat and his conclusion that they must have been turned into windmills by the enchanter who stole his books at the last moment to take Don Quixote's glory from defeating them. The next major wrong Don Quixote plans to right is the incident with the monks, transporting a lady to meet her husband, whom he mistakes for enchanters kidnapping a princess. “I must right this wrong with all my might (68).” Even when Sancho tries to inform Don Quixote that the situation is actually not what he believes, Don Quixote remains firm on his word and tells him that he was not wrong and that Sancho knows "few things about adventures” (68). ).” For this episode, Don Quixote has a split ear and no justification for correcting a wrong that was ever committed. When Rocinante is defeated by a large group of Yanguesan mule drivers, Don Quixote boldly insists that he and Sancho fight them because they would surely win. “I’m worth a hundred (116).” Although they lose this battle, and Don Quixote resolves that it was only because he drew his sword at men without nobility status that he was defeated. Don Quixote once again thinks he will have the opportunity to show his strength and fearlessness when he incorrectly concludes that two large clouds of dust from sheep were actually two armies at war with each other. against each other, in which he would take as a challenge. Although Don Quixote believes this to be an ultimately heroic act, he ends up killing several sheep and is rewarded with stones thrown at him by the shepherds, knocking out his teeth. Don Quixote considers it his duty “to redress forced actions and to rescue and help the poor wretches (180).” That being the case, he decides to help free a group of prisoners since they were taken by force. Even after being warned by Sancho, he disregards his advice and continues to release them, remaining true to his chivalrous goal. Don Quixote is once again insulted, regardless of his good intentions. Throughout Don Quixote's story, he continually transforms the mundane into the eccentric. Don Quixote takes every possible opportunity to stimulate the world through his eyes by making his surroundings more fascinating. Early on, he decides that he must find a better name for himself, his mistress Dulcinea del Toboso and Rocinante. His horse was just a skinny old mare, but in his mind, Rocinante was the best steed that ever lived. Sancho Panza was a poor, illiterate and stocky man, whom Don Quixote would have as a faithful and suitable squire. Don Quixote mistakes inns for castles and innkeepers for knights. Every lady he meets seems to him a beautiful princess who should be graciously served as such. When Don Quixote sees the barber with a basin on his head to protect him from the rain, he assumes that it is a tall knight wearing a Mambrino helmet and is determined to get it from him. When he does, and Sancho mocks him for carrying the basin, he explains that it was in the wrong hands and had been melted into a basin; however, it was still a magnificent Mambrino helmet, in another form. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get a personalized paper now from our expert writers. Get a Custom Essay Throughout the novel Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes, it should be noted that Don Quixote always had an elucidation of the unusual and rendered, 29, 29-45.