
  • Essay / Standard of living in developing countries

    Higher income is one of the indicators that show an increase in the standard of living, but there are many other factors that contribute to an increase in the standard of living people living in a given place. One of the main reasons for the standard of living is related to education, because education is the key to a high standard of living in a community. With the help of education, working people will be more productive and this will also increase the ability of individuals to enjoy a better and luxurious life. The other big reason for a better standard of living is employment or working somewhere. Getting a job and working somewhere will provide you with a significant income and will also allow you to learn many skills and develop yourself. These working collectively and obtaining employment and increasing their income will apparently contribute to the overall ability of different people to contribute to the improvement of the living standard system of the whole society. Only the rich in society have the opportunity to contribute due to their high income level and the poor parts of society, with their low income, cannot contribute to the welfare of society because they do not have enough income to purchase quality goods and services. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Developing countries are generally those with poor and low standards of living. The example of some developing countries in Asia is Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc., the people of these countries have a very poor standard of living. Developing countries generally have very low gross national product and gross national income per capita. These countries are in a slow process of development and fundamentally, they depend on the agricultural sector and their economy, with agriculture contributing to the majority of their gross national income. These countries have recently launched an industrialization sector to boost their economy, but it will take around ten years before they reach the stage of being or being considered developed countries or first world countries. The World Bank ranks countries based on their gross development income. There are three groups of countries called 1st world countries (developed countries), 2nd world countries (developing countries) and 3rd world countries under the name of developing countries or these are classified as low income countries, at middle-income and high-income. Most of the countries in the world belong to the low income group and are third world countries and middle income groups, only a few countries belong to the high income group. To better understand the standard of living in developing countries, it is important to understand that in this modern era of technology, this planet is becoming globalized day by day. With the help of this globalization, all countries are becoming more and more integrated with each other in terms of economic, cultural and social factors. This current system of globalization consists of free trade, meaning that countries can exchange their goods and services from one place to another, with exports and imports of goods and services taking place between many countries. As a result, the people of different democratic countries, with the help of elections, try to elect those leaders who have the ability to make effective and efficient decisions in the best interest of their people. Through this free trade, even over time, low-income countries can become self-sufficient. Developing countries will do their best to use the most efficient resources for the economy and all..