
  • Essay / The Capital Punishment Debate - 1374

    Capital punishment (the death penalty) is the court-ordered means of punishment to which most convicted murderers are sentenced. This conviction involves the induced death of convicted criminals by various means. Most of the methods used or previously used for the execution process include: lethal injection, hanging, firing squad, gas chamber, electrocution (DPIC 2006). Murders have occurred all over the world throughout history and continue to this day. Many wonder what the appropriate punishment would be for these types of criminals. Some believe that many years in prison, or even life, is the best sentence for these convicts. Others will say that capital punishment is a more appropriate punishment. Although the death penalty has been in effect for many years and continues to be practiced, the debate over whether or not this type of punishment should be permitted is still active. Some will say that it is cruel to resort to this type of punishment while others will say that it is very necessary. The capital punishment system is designed to protect against the potential threat that those convicted pose to society. Dudly Sharp states that “by executing murderers you prevent them from committing further murders and thus save innocent lives” (19). The only way to stop a person from committing murder continuously after being convicted is to punish them in the same way. This can only keep the community safe. Capital punishment is even elaborated from a biblical point of view. Dr. Dave Miller states in his article that "very early in human history, God decreed that murderers must forfeit their own lives" (2). Even God believes that murderers have no right to live. Whether or not capital punishment is an appropriate system for punishing those convicted of murder remains problematic. In her article, Deborah White argues that capital punishment “…violates the right to life…It is the ultimate punishment, cruel, inhumane and degrading” (3). White believes it is cruel to sentence someone to death who intentionally killed others. The world is full of murderers. These perpetrators of heinous crimes, unless brought to justice, will continue their dirty deeds with no incentive to give up. A criminal who commits murder should not go without being severely punished. Gregory Koukl states that, for any crime, the condemned "...deserves to be punished, and the punishment must fit the crime.” (36).