
  • Essay / Essay on Inner Peace - 713

    The sacred text and writings of both traditions offer the adherent the opportunity to explore the notion of inner peace. These texts provide different directions and perspectives to guide their respective followers towards inner peace. To understand a Muslim and Christian vision of peace, we must recognize what inner peace is. Inner peace is a state of calm and tranquility felt by an individual. It can also be understood as being associated with spiritual peace with God for Christians and spiritual peace with Allah who desires peace for Muslims. Muslims believe that it is through complete submission to Allah that an individual can achieve inner peace. For Christians, the New Testament vision of inner peace flows from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and his understanding of peace. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus is depicted. like a man of peace. In his interactions with people, he teaches a non-violent way of life. In his teachings he emphasizes this peace. In John 16:33, Jesus said, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will experience many trials and sorrows. But rest assured, I have conquered the world. This verse emphasizes a Jesus at peace within himself and willing to share this peace with his disciples. Once again in John 14:27, Jesus speaks of his inner peace: “I leave with you the gift of peace of mind and heart. The peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. From there, the Christian then has an obligation to take this message of peace and apply it to his life in the way he acts toward himself and others. A modern expression of how this inner peace of Jesus can operate in the world is through "The Peace Network ...... middle of paper ...... thin to stay close to God and thus be able to be at peace with themselves by separating themselves from the evils of today's world. The Quran is also very practical in guiding Muslims towards inner peace, Surah 2:224 speaks of letting nothing hinder “doing good, guarding against evil and making peace”. Surah 25:63 says that the servants of God are those “who walk”. on earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say: Peace! This Bible verse teaches that to achieve inner peace, they must show peace to others. In summary, the sacred texts provide adherents with the appropriate guidance to achieve inner peace as well. It is evident that in both religious traditions of Christianity and Islam, obedience to the scriptures, prayer, and peace with others enable believers to gain inner peace..