
  • Essay / Research on schools and children on the autism spectrum...

    It is a school's responsibility to find ways to best support the learning and growth of children on the spectrum autistic. Barnard, Prior and Potter describe autism as a "hidden disability" (2000) of which the general public does not have much understanding or awareness. Due to the lack of visibility of this disorder, many children with autistic characteristics or tendencies can sometimes slip through the cracks. It is important that schools help to include and integrate children with autism and develop the knowledge and teaching of their teachers so that they can contribute to the learning of these students. It is also important to understand what types of policies and programs schools have in place to help and support children with autism. And finally, a school must be aware and proactive about how it can help reduce the stigma surrounding children with autism spectrum disorder. A concern for families with children with autism spectrum disorder is how these students will be included and integrated. in schools and how teachers will help them in their learning. Learners on the spectrum often lack social interaction and communication skills, and may sometimes display repetitive and unusual behaviors (AASE, 2005). Because of these characteristics, the student uses specific senses to gather information and learn. Teachers should work to discover how these children learn and focus on the senses they use; Visual cues and teaching aids are often effective ways to convey information to these students. Sometimes autistic children can have overactive senses, it is important as a teacher to think about how to minimize the amount of stimuli so that learning is in the middle of a sheet of paper...... taking into account the student's learning difficulties. and how we could help him and help minimize things that could destabilize him. I remember the boy would get very agitated when he heard loud applause, so his classmates were always aware of it. The whole school community was really supportive of the boy and treated him with great respect and dignity. Being in such a supportive environment really developed the student's abilities and I believe that without such an understanding and support network they would not be as well adjusted and successful as they are today. Reducing the stigma behind autism not only improves public perception, but I believe it also benefits autistic children. Without the stigma, I think parents of children on this spectrum would be more willing to let them explore and be more adventurous in their learning..