
  • Essay / Lucid Dreaming - 1556

    An individual sleeps about seven to eight hours a night and according to the Dream Encyclopedia (2009), we spend about a third of our lives in a state of sleep, much of the night being filled with dreams" (p.16). Judith Duerk, who is a renowned writer, refers to dreaming as an alternative course that can change a person's entire life. The Dream Encyclopedia points out that the meaning of a dream would be: "a spiritual world distant from the physical", in no way demeans their definition, but a dream is a means of spiritually motivating a person in order to prepare themselves physically and mentally to achieve their goals, through an act of visualization and imagination while asleep A dream brings you closer to everything you want or need and although lucid dreaming puts you in a state where all your wishes come true, you will never be able to pursue your dreams. in a state of wakefulness, which results. inside you are waiting for a dream instead of following your dreams. The Encyclopedia of Dreams (2009) refers to dreaming as a way of communicating something to consciousness instead of hiding it. Dreaming has been around for many years and has been used for purposes other than personal fulfillment, such as communicating with religious deities. According to the Dream Encyclopedia (2009), prophets and elders communicated what is considered a privileged message from the gods or used dreaming as a form of seeking guidance or healing (p. 16). Sigmund Freud (1900s), an Austrian neurologist who theorized: "Dreams allow us to satisfy socially unacceptable sexual and aggressive urges to sleep." A dream is subject to critical understanding because some of the things we can dream of have a deeper meaning...... middle of paper ...... those particular things that upset them, may be things that 'they can change or change in life, while he is awake. Lucid Dreaming is your conscious mind in a form of reality while you sleep, but although your dreams come true while you sleep, real achievements are made when a dream comes true after contributing hard work and consistency . This is when you have accomplished something that can never be changed. Both Lucid Dreaming and Dreaming are a vacation from the difficulties of reality or a way to possess things you may not have but want. Dreaming pushes you to obtain these things because with lucidity you lose all motivation and all thirst for success. You never have the same dream twice, even if there are cases. Once you achieve a goal while awake, that goal is achieved forever and that mountain or land is conquered forever..