
  • Essay / Sexuality in Sex in the City - 769

    Sexuality and The CityThe film Sex and The City represents women's personal freedom in sexuality, presenting four successful women living in New York who deal with love, of marriage and sex. The film, based on the TV show Sex and The City, follows the lives of four women who express their femininity and freedom through marriage, family and sexual exploits. Many of them possess different ideologies on love, each with their own elements of feminism and independence. The sexuality within Sex and The City demonstrates how people should be confident and empowered through their sexuality and freedom. Sex and the City revolves around "white, middle-class, heterosexual women who define themselves primarily as oppressed victims of the patriarchy" (Brasfield 253), based on this statement, it is obvious to observe the styles oxymoronics presented in the film. Women are trying to achieve a level of freedom that they already have, they feel like they cannot be truly free and independent as women until they are involved in a relationship with a man. Brasfield covers a variety of topics regarding Sex and the City and its feminist characters and characterizations. Brasfield also states that in Sex and the City they use sex "as a product that can be bought and sold" (Brasfield 256), which is familiar to Samantha's character in that she "hates relationships with an emotional component ” (Brasfield 252), and would prefer that they only include sex. Samantha shows this side of her in the film when she seems very interested in her neighbor, instead of her boyfriend of 5 years. When Smith gives her the ring she was dying to have, she wants to return the gift in "oral form", when Smith denies... in the middle of a paper ...... forms of freedom, all of them successful and strong-willed businesswomen. Presenting this freedom allows you to believe that you can be strong within a relationship, as well as strong without a relationship. This demonstrates one more fighting woman she has taken control of. Works Cited Brasfield, Rebecca. “Reread: Sex And The City: Exposing the Hegemonic Feminist Narrative.” Multicultural Film: A Spring/Summer 2014 Anthology. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2014. 251-61. Print. Schrock, Douglas and Michael Schwalbe. “Acts on men, masculinity and virility”. Multicultural Film: A Spring/Summer 2014 Anthology. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2014. 153-72. Print.Sex and the city. Real. Michael Patrick King. Prod. Sarah Jessica Parker. Perf. Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon. New Line Film Company, 2008. Film.