
  • Essay / Contagion: The MEV-1 virus - 746

    Contagion concerns a very real possibility: a global pandemic. It focuses on how this disease called MEV-1 arises and turns into a pandemic. It first appeared in a remote location in China, was brought to Hong Kong by infected people, and eventually spread globally from Hong Kong via air travelers. The MEV-1 virus is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets produced by sneezing or coughing, as well as by viruses deposited on passive objects, e.g. locks, peanuts, shared utensils , etc. The symptoms exhibited by the victims in the film are fever, cough, headache, general malaise and, as a prelude to death, foaming around the mouth. On a large scale, MEV-1 leads to a pandemic that kills millions of people worldwide. In the pandemic plot, we first find Beth returning home from a business trip she took to Hong Kong, where she was unknowingly infected with the MEV-1 virus. . Coughing and tired, Beth transmits the virus to people who have been close to her. Back in Minneapolis, his health deteriorated noticeably. Four days after contracting the virus, Beth has seizures, foams at the mouth and dies, but not before fatally infecting her son Clark, who even ends up spreading the virus throughout his school. During Beth's autopsy (just six days after she was infected), a pathologist observed highly suspicious signs of encephalitis and sent brain tissue samples to the CDC in Atlanta. Dear professionals from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the existence of the virus...... middle of paper ...... first to be capable of growing the virus in cell culture, allowing the manufacture of a vaccine, vividly presents the worst-case scenario of a pandemic and the devastation it can cause. However, the film has educational value: it dramatizes many ethical, practical and sociological questions that can usefully be raised and discussed in public health. The film also provides a general idea of ​​what the general public can expect from the public health and medical communities during times of extreme crisis. Ultimately, I found the depiction of a global pandemic caused by a virulent pathogen quite captivating, but was disappointed by its questionable depiction of vaccinology, lack of developments in international public health, and treatment. superficial public health practices..