
  • Essay / Corinna's Going A-maying by Robert Herrick - 776

    Live For Today!Why should we seize the opportunity? It's a million dollar life question. I think the question should be asked: “Why not take advantage of the opportunity?” » There is no right or wrong way to answer this question. This question reminds me of Harry “Breaker” Harbord Morant’s quote “Live each day as if it were your last; because one day you are sure to be right. So that's my answer. Best expressed in the simple term Carpe diem “seize the day” means enjoying the pleasures of the moment without worrying about the future. Why not enjoy what you have right now rather than dwelling on what you could have, because today's struggle can be tomorrow's blessing. In the early 17th century, poets wrote extensively about the need to seize the moment while we have the chance. I chose the poem “CORINNA'S GOING A-MAYING” by Robert Herrick to analyze and explain the religious factors and the expression of love through words in the poem's current era. Seizing the day is extremely harder than people think. As humans, we are made up of the lateral septum, which is the part of the brain that worries us. Worrying can make anyone's day turn horribly wrong. I don't agree with some people when they say don't let the little things bother you; bills, lack of money, love, etc. But I can also see how people can say these things. These are the people who have all the perfect things in life and have no worries. It's like saying "easier said than done", meaning it's a lot harder than it seems. In Harbord Morant's quote he states that living every day is your last because you may be right. Infer from this quote that it means never take a break from appreciating roses. Although we all have problems in life, we face them daily. You can't... middle of paper ...... writing is a Catholic writer. He talks about May 1st as if it were a Sunday or a special day when men and women come together for a day of flirting for fun. Puritans dislike events as such because they believe that Sunday is a day for God, matters of worship and religion, etc. It is political because some people were forced to go to church again according to the will of the history of the Catholic Church. This is also part of the reason why the churches fell. No one likes to be told to do what they can't do. No one likes to be forced into anything against their own will. So people view the Church as a rebellion. Seize the opportunity, because you'll probably never get another chance to truly do what makes you happy. Put aside distant hopes. Even as we speak, time is running away from us. So seize the day and the moment, and don't trust in the future. Carpe Diem!