
  • Essay / Impact of Oil Drilling on Fishing and Other Energy Industries

    Alternative Energy Sources Because land and space are resources as limited as those they contain, it There is no doubt that the expansion of one industry would hamper the ability of another to operate. In James Lovgren's article, the oil and natural gas industries are vilified for their reckless disregard for the fishing industry and its role in the nation's – and the world's – food capacity. However, this raises a simple question related to human nature. If you work in the energy sector, it would make sense not to understand the fishing sector. This extraterrestrial industry is outside the realm of expertise of energy producers and, for this reason, it is difficult to accuse them of “cavalierly industrializing” the New Jersey coastline (Lovgren). Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay James Lovgren certainly hits the nail on the head when he draws the dichotomy between “food or fuel.” By using the coastline for industrial purposes, particularly in areas with high fish densities, energy producers would eliminate both a critical source of food and the fishing industry's main source of income. In fact, these facilities “would require extensive no-fishing areas, both around the offloading facility itself and its thirty to fifty miles of pipeline” (Lovgren). Considering that New Jersey's coastline is approximately two hundred miles long, the panic felt by those who know the scale of these areas is not at all irrational. Although oil and gas will be part of the world's energy production for a long time to come, modern scientific advances and increasingly impressive technical prowess allow us to create energy in unique, creative and economical ways. Solar and wind are considered two of the most viable alternative energy sources for domestic electricity production (OEERE). Wind farms and solar panels are popping up all over New Jersey, including the addition of wind turbines in Atlantic City (Governor's Office). Considered an eyesore by some, this city's investment in alternative energy has created a more sustainable Atlantic City. Under a plan by former Governor Jon S. Corzine, wind energy production in the state of New Jersey would triple to 3,000 megawatts by 2020 (Office of the Governor). This figure represents approximately 13% of total estimated energy production in New Jersey. Although it is a stretch to imagine that cars will ever run on wind, automobiles are a very replaceable part of our infrastructure. Cities, buildings, highways, power plants, and schools are things that tend not to disappear once built and therefore must evolve over time to avoid becoming obsolete and decrepit. During peak oil periods, an increase in production is no longer as effective an alternative as a reduction in demand. If we can offload the burden of powering our infrastructure with alternative energy sources, then we will have minimized the role that fossil fuels play in powering something that is not as resilient and adaptable as the automotive industry, metaphorically quarantining oil in the automotive world. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get a personalized article now from our editors.