
  • Essay / Personal Response on the Causes of World War II

    War is a very devastating event to live through and experience. Therefore, there is a good chance that people will take almost drastic measures to ensure that another war does not happen again. occur. There is a long list of "causes" that can be considered "the" cause of World War II (WWII). However, the Treaty of Versailles seems to stand out as a "major" cause of World War II and the failure of World War II. The League of Nations and appeasement helped him. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get the original essayThe Treaty of Versailles, also known as the “Peace Treaty,” was created just before the end of the First World War in order to end World War II and put an end to the wars that followed this event. However, what was signed in the treaty was that Germany had to pay war reparations, had to have land won in World War I confiscated and more, it was limited to an army of only 100,000 men, all because they were blamed for the First World War. Obviously any country would think this "punishment" was too severe to take upon itself and of course Germany felt that way. In the 1930s, when the Great Depression hit, Germany struggled to have enough money to pay for reparations. The government, under the command of Adolf Hitler, therefore began to secretly create its own army, thus violating the Treaty of Versailles. In 1938, Germany invaded Austria, which claimed it belonged to Germany. In 1939, Germany invaded Poland and as France and Britain had promised to declare war if Germany continued, war was declared soon after. The Treaty of Versailles was a major cause of World War II because the treaty was so harsh on Germany that they felt it hurt their pride to see that the Treaty was weakening the country. The failure of the League of Nations was another cause of World War II. because countries considered it harmless and ignored it. The League of Nations was created shortly after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The idea was to be able to resolve disputes between countries through negotiation and not through violence. This meant that the league had no military power. It was a good idea, but it only worked for some disputes, as countries began to view it as harmless because it imposed no military threat. This is how it gets its name “toothless tiger”. During the Great Depression, Japanese citizens began to lose faith in their own government and look to their military for solutions. When Japan invaded China for its resources and profited from it, the League of Nations condemned the attack, but the condemnation was ignored, making it clear that there was little the League of Nations could do. Germany, seeing that Japan was ignoring the League of Nations, began to follow suit, making the League of Nations a resounding failure. Appeasement was the next step Britain and France were heading towards in an attempt to maintain peace on a global scale, given that the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles were broken down. The British and French thought and hoped that if they appeased what Germany was doing it might not make progress, but there was little to stop Germany, although.