
  • Essay / The Persecution of Muslims in Modern Times - 1205

    Religious persecution has existed since the beginning of history. Over the past decade, Muslims have been targets of religious persecution due to the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Most people today do not go out of their way to learn about the religion from another culture and prefer to believe that all Muslims in America have the same bad intentions in their minds. As a result of these actions, American Muslims are being treated unfairly. Muslims have also suffered a lot of harassment from Christians because of their religious faith. In this essay, the persecution of Muslims will be discussed and the different solutions that can be used to stop their unjust treatment. One of the biggest issues facing Muslims today is the hatred shown towards them after 9/11. We blame the innocent for the work done by extremists. “Secondly, I consider as a victim the image of Islam in the world, which has been distorted by extremists who do not speak on behalf of a billion Muslims in the world. » (Bhutto 294). These extremists would see all other religions wiped off the face of the planet because they do not believe in the Islamic faith. Not all Muslims think this way, but because people have bought into the idea that all Muslims think this way, they think they all have bad intentions in mind. The solution to this problem is that the people of the United States need to stop blaming people. the average Muslim for what happened. It was not ordinary Muslims who bombed the Twin Towers. This was the Muslim extremist group Al-Qaeda. Because of this hatred towards them, the average Muslim has been driven to change his way of life: “Many Muslims in America live in terror... middle of paper... I will say this. Works cited Bhutto, Bénazir. “Three victims of terrorism.” 2002. World Views: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 6th ed. Ed. Darren Felty et al. Boston: Pearson Custom, 2010. 293-304. Print. Internet. April 22, 2014. Morey, Peter and Amina Yaqin. Framing Muslims: stereotypes and representation after September 11. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2011. Web e-book. April 22, 2014. Esposito, John L. What Everyone Needs to Know About Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. E-book. Internet. April 24, 2014.Emerick, Yahiya. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Islam. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha, 2002. E-book. Internet. April 24, 2014. Schirrmacher, Christine. Islam and society, sharia-jihad – Women in Islam. World Evangelical Alliance 2008. E-book. Marry. April 22, 2014Wikipedia contributors. "Hell." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. No. Internet. Marry. April 24. 2014