
  • Essay / State annulment and slavery - 1384

    Slavery was fought by the Northern States through the use of annulment. State nullification is the act of nullifying or nullifying an act of the federal government. Nullification is also a way for states to protect their citizens from the federal government. The cancellation is essentially the people of the states or the states themselves saying no. This is a state-sanctioned form of civil disobedience. There is much discussion and speculation about whether nullification is constitutional, legal, or moral. Nullification is legal under the Constitution, and states have a duty to come between the federal government and the people. Annulment is the legitimate remedy for states when they wish to preserve the union rather than secede. To understand annulment, one must understand how the states came together. The separate states united under the constitution. The constitution is a federative pact signed by several states. States delegated certain powers to the federal government and retained the vast majority of unenumerated powers for themselves. Under the federal compact, the states are superior to the federal government. Many argue that the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of what is constitutional and what is not. This is a mistake. Since it reports to the federal government, it cannot have the final say on the pact. In the United States, we say that the people are sovereign. If the people are sovereign and assign part of that sovereignty to the states, then the states are subordinate to the people. States then appropriated part of the sovereignty to form a general government operating in a very limited capacity. The people and the states retain the right to exercise...... middle of paper ...... long and interesting history of this country. The essence of resorting to annulment is to allow states and people to govern themselves. Nullification is a perfect tool to use against the federal government to prevent it from usurping states' and citizens' rights. The use of nullification has been used in the past to keep the federal government out of certain spheres in which it does not belong. Nullification should be used more often to prevent the excessive hand of government from not only spying on us, but taking control of entire swaths of our economy as well as what we put into our own bodies. Increased use of nullification would result in decentralization of our government and allow for more liberty and freedom. Given all the evidence, nullification is the legitimate remedy to check federal power while preserving the Union..