
  • Essay / Video game versus film

    Would you rather watch a film or play video games? I will only compare video games and films of the same genre. Intro/Criterion 1: Enjoyment (hours spent playing/watching the game and overall reaction/experience) Movie: People go to the movies to enjoy and watch movies featuring their favorite actors and even comic book superheroes. A great film that embodies the idea of ​​comic books is the film “Kick Ass”. From the beautiful way it is shot to the incredible acting, there is just something about the film that makes me want to watch it hundreds of times and admire the creation. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay. On the other hand, you have films like "Suicide Squad" that degrade the acting of the people starring in the film with poor editing and flashing colors. while sticking a dark filter on the film. The Wall Street Journal's Joe Morgenstern said, "In a word, 'Suicide Squad' is garbage. In short, it's an ugly piece of trash. Perhaps we shouldn't waste any more words on a film that is, after all, just a film, not a natural disaster or a terrorist attack. "Movies like this degrade the whole genre of comic book movies and video games: with video games, you can play hundreds, even thousands of hours of games because there is so much to do, but this is not always a good thing because it also frustrates people and gives them all kinds of emotions. Many games appeal to the average person like Fortnite, Call of Duty and even the sports games of the 2K franchise. , which is a good thing because it gets people interested and proves that the gaming industry isn't dying Graphics don't make a game fun, gameplay makes it a fun game. Minecraft is one of the best games I've ever played, but it doesn't have fancy graphics, it's just blocks and your imagination. I've spent over 1000 hours playing the game with friends. , alone, and I've beaten it more times than I can count because it's something I can just relax and enjoy while having fun because in Minecraft you can do anything you can do. you want. Conclusion: For this category, I'm going to have to choose video games because there are so many times you can watch a movie until it starts to get boring but for video games, you can spend your day playing to just one game and never get tired of it because there are so many things to do. Andy Serkis, actor, said: “Every era has its form of storytelling, and video games are an integral part of our culture. You can ignore or embrace video games and give them the best artistic quality. People are fascinated by video games in the same way that others love cinema or theater. »Intro/criterion 2: StoryMovie: The story can be very good in some cases but I have experienced a lot of bad stories in movies and most of them are from the DC cinematic universe. Most of the films created by the DC franchise are dark, the acting is bad, and the scripts leave many questions and plot holes that are never answered. But if done well, a superhero movie can be a work of art. Thor Ragnarok was a masterpiece compared to the other 2 films he starred in. The writers transformed a Shakespearean talking god into a funny, approachable guy who saves the world with the Avengers. It's never too late to save a franchise, but if the stories continue to become "trash", then you need to change the way you view the story. History.