
  • Essay / Squeak Etoys in education - 1337

    Summary: The profound transformations of society, brought about by rapid progress in information and communication technologies (ICT), promote a new vision of knowledge and learning, determining a constant challenge for education. In this context, the influence of new digital technologies on society and, consequently, on education provokes reflection on the potential of digital educational resources as powerful instruments for developing skills, inherent in the children's own creativity. students, where they are able to construct their own knowledge and learning, using computer programming even without prior knowledge and promoting the development of logical reasoning through the use of attractive and constructive computer tools and environments, such as Squeak Etoys.Keywords: Squeak Etoys; education; computer programming; ICTIntroductionComputer science permeates all human activities, from the arts to technologies, and today we cannot imagine a society without computers (NUNES, 2008). The information society constitutes the way in which information is exposed to society through “…information and communication technologies in order to process information and which consider it as a central element of all human activity » (Castells apud Gouveia, 2004: 2), characterized by the use of ICT in all sectors and human activities, requiring new skills, knowledge and knowledge from individuals. In this context, the school must prepare students for this global society based on information (excerpt from a quote from Ana Antunes, Sociedade de Informação, Coimbra 2008 on arquivos/13147/11090). /novas_tecnol...... middle of article is ideal for people who are starting to program. The cognitivist paradigm has been influenced by computer operating models. This paradigm focuses on cognitive processes and the role of memory. , through the organization of knowledge and their role in information processing. Learning is seen as a process of knowledge construction. Research on the role of memory in information processing contributes to the development of educational technologies functioning as an external memory (databases). Constructivist theories constitute. , today, the reference paradigm for developing environments for the use and integration of ICT in the classroom. The constructivist paradigm in both aspects “Constructivism” and “Constructionism” has inspired several teaching and learning programs (Legros & Crinon)., 2002).