
  • Essay / Eureka - 3281

    In Leôncio's property there was a large room of crude construction, with partially unfinished walls and floors, used by slaves who worked in spinning and weaving wool and wool. cotton.The furniture in this room consisted of stools, benches, spinning wheels, pressing boards, and this room, in front of the large windows decorated with balustrades which opened onto a vast interior patio, was a row of spinners. There were about twenty to thirty black women, crioulas and mulates, accompanied by their young children, sitting on their knees or on the ground, playing around them. Some of them talked, while others hummed songs to pass the long hours of their tedious work. In this room one could see faces of all ages, colors and shapes, from the sulky and haggard old black man, to the round and sensual crioula, from the darkest black to the lightest mulatto. Among the first, a young girl stood out. as the most sassy and elegant imaginable. Slender and supple body, she had an affable face, plump and well-defined lips, voluptuous and dark like a red daisy that had finished unbuttoning one April morning. The black eyes were not very large, but reflected liveliness and charming mischief. Curly black hair could be in the head of the whitest woman overseas. She kept it short and wavy, as usually worn by men. Instead of a big loom in the corner. By taking away her grace, it instantly gave her sassy and mischievous features a unique and enchanting charm. If it weren't for the gold earrings, which trembled on her little round ears, and the round, throbbing breasts which jumped voluntarily like little kids under her thin shirt, one would take her for a lively and naughty. We will... middle of paper ...... we will be back soon. " "But there's still one here... oh! It's Isaura...also good! » he reflected, “The occasion could not be more favorable; I will make one last attempt to seduce this inflexible creature. » Then he continued to the foreman: “As soon as they have finished eating, take them to the coffee plantation. I had already intended to make this recommendation to you, but I forgot. I don't want them to be here another moment; it is a place of idleness, where they waste time with no other benefit than continuous chatter. There is no shortage of cotton fabrics. "As soon as the foreman withdrew, Leôncio walked towards Isaura. "Isaura!" he whispered in a soft and passionate voice. "Senhor!" replied the slave, standing up in surprise; then she murmured sadly in his soul: “My God, now the hour of my trial has come!."