
  • Essay / Use of music and camera angles in the film Jaws to influence the audience

    The horror film Jaws directed by Steven Spielberg is an award-winning film released in 1975. The film revolves around a killer shark that tormented the beach of Amity Island on summer vacation. This situation is causing havoc throughout the city and among tourists trying to enjoy their summer vacation at the beach. Throughout the film, Spielberg uses different techniques to add more suspense and stress to the audience. So he does it using two aspects that struck me the most: the use of music and the camera angles. Say no to plagiarism. Get Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get Original Essay The film begins with the scene of a young girl swimming on the beach called Amity Island where she is attacked and killed by a shark . This first attack had little involvement with the main characters. This specific situation was used solely for the purpose of scaring the audience and creating tension. The girl's body was found torn into pieces, which added overall shock value to the audience. The result of this specific incident is chaos throughout the city. This situation generally frightens the Sherriff, making him want to close the beach. Unfortunately for Brody, the mayor doesn't like this idea at all because he doesn't want to lose the money coming from tourists. Marine biologist Matt Hopper and Captain Quint offer to help Brody pursue his goal of capturing the killer shark. This results in a sort of war between the trio and the shark. Throughout the film, the shark continues to launch attacks without being captured. The second attack therefore took place against the little boy Alex, who was enjoying a day at the beach with his mother. Alex went out into the water alone with his yellow float and only a few minutes later the shark attacked, turning the water red and causing bystanders to act frantically. This wall light was designed to scare the public and make it clear that the shark will attack whenever it wants and will fade in public, whether near or far from shore. This situation leads the trio of the sheriff, Brody and Hopper to launch their investigation into full gear. As a result, they end up capturing and killing a tiger shark which they believed to be the cause of both deaths. Unfortunately, they would like the cause of these deaths to be much more serious, they did not yet know it until the mayor announced that the shark crisis was deadly and that the beaches were open again for the 4th of July. However, on July 4, a third attack took place, involving Brody's son. Coincidentally, that day, the trio was on alert to watch out for the shark. Brody's son received a new boat for his birthday and decided to try it out. Brody told him to go to the pond where he would be safe. While Brody is watching for sharks, a woman screams that there is a shark in the pond, so Brody runs to the pond and he comes to find the shark attacking a man next to his son. After severing the man's arm, the shark begins to target the body's son but eventually disappears and heads back out to sea. The purpose of this scene was to make the attack more personal towards the main characters and the audience. feels for Brody because he was the one who tried to prevent this situation and it happened between his own child. This also increased Brody's motivation to want to capture and kill the shark. The last and final scene of the film occurs with the trio at sea ready to capture and kill the animal that is terrorizing their town. This scene is meant to scare the audience of what might follow. The constant sound effects and sinking.