
  • Essay / Gillian by Laurel Oke Logan - 809

    Gillian by Laurel Oke LoganThe book I read was Gillian, written by Laurel Oke Logan. This book is about a girl who has just graduated from high school and is looking for a job. Gillian has just graduated from high school. She is so excited to go to college and can't wait. Well, the day comes when she has to leave for college. She and her friends are going to have so much fun. Over the years, she does very well in her classes and before she knows it, it's time for her to graduate from college. After graduation, Gillian moved back in with her parents. . She was a little upset because she couldn't find a job and all her friends had found jobs. When Gillian told her father how she felt, he told her that a woman had called him to see if she (Gillian) would be able and willing to work in the kitchen at this camp in Canada. At first, Gillian was very excited, but when she started thinking about it, the idea scared her to death. Moving to a place outside the United States that she had never been to and leaving her family behind, she just didn't know if she could make it through. A few days after debating leaving she called the lady and got more information about it and she decided she would try. Gillian was due to leave in about five days, so she and her mother went to buy the right clothes to wear in Canada and other things she would need. The day finally came for Gillian to leave. As Gillian and her family and friends walked to her gate at the airport, Gillian began to feel very nervous. She said goodbye to her family and friends and left. The flight to Canada was very pleasant. When Gillian arrived at camp, she met some very interesting people. Jake was an older man and when Gillian started to know everyone and