
  • Essay / How Great Leaders Inspire Action: Leader Strategies

    Table of ContentsSummaryThe Make-Up of Great LeadersSoft Skills Leaders Use to Inspire ActionLeadership Traits of Great LeadersHaving the Experience to Inspire ActionDifference Between average leaders and great leadersConclusionReferencesSummaryBehind great leaders, there are various characteristics that lend a hand in their ability to influence others successfully. The purpose of this research was to discover what qualities play the most role in some of history's most prolific leaders and how great leaders inspire action. These qualities and differences have been supported by examples of successful people such as Bill Belichick, who are known for using these characteristics in their achievements. Through scholarly articles, books, and web pages, this research was able to connect the common qualities that famous leaders all have in common and what differentiates average leaders from the best of the best. The most common characteristics found in the sources studied were brought together to examine which abilities were most important for leaders to become better than average. In summary, it has been found that there is a direct link between certain qualities and the success of leaders who are known to embody them. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essayKeywords: leadership, qualities, successThe makeup of great leadersSince the beginning of human history, many great leaders have walked this Earth. Each leader carries their own story and uses different traits and styles to lead others to follow. In studying effective leadership, it's important to look at some of the best influencers in history and what they do differently than others to become more successful. Whether it's positions as powerful as president of the United States or leading a group project for a college class, many traits and attributes help some leaders perform better than others. Everyone may come from their own background and have their own preferences when it comes to managing others, but there is no doubt that some abilities are more important than others when discussing what makes a leader succeeds more than others. Great leaders demonstrate empathy toward others, promote teamwork and collaboration, and operate with a clear vision in mind. They are flexible and able to handle different situations effectively. They are able to tell others not only what to do and how to do it, but also why they should do it. They are considered inspiring and motivating personalities who are trusted by their followers. Great leaders accept difficult challenges and are able to remain calm to keep their organization moving in the right direction. Although all leaders have different styles and tendencies, there are particular skills, abilities, and attributes that distinguish average leaders from phenomenal leaders. main types of skills that leaders need to possess. According to Management: A Practical Introduction, by Angelo Kinicki and Brian Williams (2018), good managers must work to develop three main skills. The first is technical, the ability to perform a specific job. The second is conceptual, the ability to think analytically. The third is human, the ability to interact well with people. (p. 23) When looking at great leaders, people skills,also called soft skills, are arguably the most important. These skills are not easy to master because they require practice and experience as we age. When looking at the skills found in above-average leaders, it's usually the soft skills that set them apart. One of the most important traits that successful leaders must possess is the ability to demonstrate empathy. In a broad definition, empathy is when someone connects with others by building relationships, for example by showing sympathy. Relationships between people that involve feelings of mutual empathy build trust, which is important when working and relying on others. Some great examples linking empathy and great leaders can be found in Simon Sinek's book, Leaders Eat Last. Sinek (2017) begins his book by giving the example of an American military hero who risked his life to save twenty-two other soldiers. By abandoning his personal interests and prioritizing the needs of others, the hero showed how the military relies on empathy among its members (pp. 3-9). The US military is undoubtedly one of the best armed forces in the world because it operates according to this simple characteristic. In a changing society where people are more likely to look after their own interests, it is important that great leaders learn how to build meaningful relationships in order to build trust. Bill Belichick, highly regarded as the best NFL coach of all time. , showed empathy to get where he is today. Winner of the most Super Bowls in NFL history, many wonder what sets the New England Patriots head coach apart from the rest. In a 2017 interview between Belichick and CNBC, we quickly get a glimpse of what he considers to be one of the most important things to consider when managing others. According to Suzy Welch (2017), in her article Bill Belichick Reveals His Five Rules of Exceptional Leadership, Belichick states the following: Many things that affect what happens on the field happen off the field. Players have wives and girlfriends. And they have babies. And they have personal situations. They have parents who are sick. It all works together. The more you and the organization can help manage personal situations, the smoother things go on the football side. Sometimes it's easy as a leader to become selfish and forget that others have things going on in their personal lives outside of work. Bill Belichick builds strong bonds with his players, knows how to show empathy and he has proven that this leads to success in organizations. Another important leadership quality is the ability to successfully motivate others. For this, it is not only important to understand the different types of motivation, but also how they coincide with people's needs. One of the most difficult aspects of being an effective leader is the ability to learn to meet everyone's individual needs. No two people are the same, so managers must be flexible and open to working with people in different ways. According to Hersey, Blanchard, and Johnson (2013) in Management of Organizational Behavior: Leading Human Resources, leaders must be able to understand the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as the situations in which they work best. feeling good about yourself like pride. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is anything that comes fromexternal factors such as money. Although extrinsic motivation is great, intrinsic motivation is generally more effective in the long run. A good example of this is the idea of ​​having a well-paying job, but not really enjoying the work itself. Leaders who are able to motivate others by responding to individuals' wants, needs, and goals are very likely to manage others effectively. Situational leadership is best exemplified by none other than New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick. In Bill Belichick Vs. the NFL: The Case for the NFL's Greatest Coach by Erik Frenz (2016), it is proven time and time again that Belichick is incredibly successful at using situational leadership correctly. With a long career in the NFL, Bill worked with different teams, different formations and even different rules as the game evolved. However, despite all the changes throughout his career, his ability to win has remained constant. Belichick has a unique ability to adapt to the circumstances presented to him, and that's just another reason why he's so great. In a world filled with external threats, leaders must be able to think on the fly and adapt to different situations. Leadership Traits of Great Leaders When it comes to successful leadership traits, many people think of the word visionary. From a young age, we are taught to set big goals and then smaller goals to help us achieve the big plans we set for ourselves. Just like we do in our daily lives, setting goals in business is important for success. According to Deep Patel (2017), in his article titled 11 Powerful Traits of Successful Leaders, “Outstanding leaders have the ability to envision the future of their company and set clear, concrete goals that will benefit their organization. They are confident and optimistic, inspiring enthusiasm in those around them. Writing down what you and your organization plan to accomplish is one of the first steps to accomplishing great things. By doing so, you and those you lead are able to come together and see what is planned for the future and how everyone can work together to achieve it. Returning to Bill Belichick's previous examples, if he hadn't set a goal for the Patriots to win the Super Bowl every year, then his teams might never have worked hard enough to achieve such prestige. To further prove this idea, we can refer to another book on leadership. According to Reframing Organizations: Art, Choice, and Leadership, by Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal (2017), “vision is particularly important in times of crisis and uncertainty. When people are in pain, when they are confused and uncertain, or when they feel hopelessness and despair, they are desperate for meaning and hope” (p. 355). Whether you run one of the largest companies on Wall Street, the team with the most Super Bowls in NFL history, or even something as small as a Boy Scout troop, you will face challenges and adversity. Leaders who establish and share a vision with those around them simply have a better chance of weathering the storm. Have the Experience to Inspire Action Another important quality that great leaders must have is experience. As with any other position or skill, it takes practice to become a great leader. Managing others and an organization is difficult, and many struggle at first. When we think of many successful people, we tend toassume they were born naturally gifted. If someone told you to step back and think about what Bill Gates and the Beatles have in common, you'd probably be perplexed. However, it turns out that each of these numbers actually has something relevant. According to the book Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell (2008), it took famous computer programmers Bill Joy, Bill Gates and some of the greatest musical artists of all time, the Beatles and Mozart, almost 10,000 hours of practice before reaching their goal. the pinnacle of their career that defined their success (pp. 35-68). As a growing leader, it is important to understand that patience is required. Not only do you need to be patient with your own personal growth, but also that of your organization. Not everything happens quickly or easily, and great leaders are able to understand this concept. Difference Between Average Leaders and Great Leaders When looking at what separates average leaders from great leaders, it is important to look at what exactly leaders should do. In average daily operations, leaders are required to tell others what to do and how they accomplish it. As simple as it may seem, something crucial is being left out. The missing piece is the ability to not only tell others what they should do and how they should accomplish it, but also why they should do it. Throughout our lives, almost all of us have been placed in situations where we questioned why we were doing a specific task that we were asked to do. The problem is that when we don't understand the meaning of something, we are less likely to put in maximum effort and we are less likely to find what we are doing meaningful. In Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, by Simon Sinek (2011), Sinek discusses what he calls the "golden circle." In this model it has a circle with three rings. Inside is the why, in the middle is the how, and in the outer ring is the what (pp. 37-51). Most organizations can tell their members what they do and how they do it. Star beings are able to start from their purpose or why they do what they do. This helps employees find meaningful work and gives them something to strive for. Starting with why it helps leaders be more inspiring and helps provide a vision for the organization. There is no doubt that being in charge of an organization comes with great responsibility. Almost all leaders will find themselves in situations where they have to make difficult decisions. Great leaders are able to step up when needed and make decisions that have the best impact on their organization and its members. In the midst of a crisis, leaders are able to remain calm and use all their leadership skills to take control of the situation. According to The Leadership Skills Handbook: 90 Essential Skills You Need to Be a Leader, by Jo Owen (2017), “Crises and uncertainty are wonderful opportunities to make your mark” (p. 121). Many leaders are afraid of conflict and the consequences that can result from it. While it should obviously be avoided at all costs, sometimes it is unavoidable. Leaders who step in, take control and manage the situation effectively are able to leave a positive impact on their organization. This can force members to come together and build strong relationships in order to resolve the problem. Ultimately, this can.