
  • Essay / The Pros and Cons of Gun Control in the United States

    Gun control is a growing issue lately, due to recent events such as school shootings as well as crimes committed daily due to gun violence. more controversial than ever. IT is true that by owning a gun, you can feel a sense of empowerment because it can help you protect yourself and your loved ones. However, owning a gun is a double-edged sword in today's world. The reason is that with the sudden increase in gun violence, more and more people began to oppose guns. The government helps by passing laws that prohibit certain people from owning or purchasing firearms. The problem in this type of situation is that these people can still own firearms by going through a third party to obtain a firearm. Gun control is and always will be a key issue in today's world. Let us first get into the professional side of gun ownership. I will begin this argument by stating that guns are essential to anyone who understands the magnitude of responsibility when owning one; By knowing how to use and how to keep your guns out of reach of our children, you show an understanding of how a gun should be owned. You don't want to keep your guns loaded and want to keep them out of reach of any children who might live in or visit your home. Guns are not meant to show off how powerful they are, they are made to protect as well as hunt. Another benefit I would like to mention when it comes to gun ownership. A gun can help teach yourself and others in your household responsibility. It's always a good idea to show them how to use a gun and also explain to them when it's appropriate to touch a gun in the first place. By teaching responsibility and making sure you yourself... middle of paper ...... gun and going out partying with that gun is irresponsible. That wouldn't lead me to owning a gun. Now let's move on to the argument against; I found this very disconcerting. Judging a person based on their gun ownership and making assumptions is no way to start a debate about guns. Prejudice is something that does not need to be included in the same picture. Guns are meant to protect, just because a person owns a gun doesn't mean they have cruel intentions in their head. Works CitedGun Control – Advantages and Disadvantages. (2014). Retrieved from OR ANTI GUN CONTROL ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE. (2006). Retrieved from and Cons of Gun Ownership for Home Security. (nd). Retrieved from